LINK Panda Goes to School by Tara Jaye Morrow read without signing audio fb2 online

LINK Panda Goes to School by Tara Jaye Morrow read without signing audio fb2 online

LINK Panda Goes to School by Tara Jaye Morrow read without signing audio fb2 online

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Book description
This lovable new character is about to have a BIG day: he’s going to school for the very first time. But in a funny and sweet example of transferring fears to others, Panda worries about Mama, not himself. Won’t she be lonely if he’s away? Who will make lunch with her? Mama has a reassuring answer for all his anxieties—but when he enters the classroom, Panda’s still unhappy. Then, a sympathetic teacher and a wise idea from Mama make everything okay after all. Cute and colorful art, a classroom of friendly animals, and a story every child can relate to will make this a favorite. 
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