LINK Nerva and the Roman Succession Crisis of Ad 96-99 by John D. Grainger book eReader pdf story spanish

LINK Nerva and the Roman Succession Crisis of Ad 96-99 by John D. Grainger book eReader pdf story spanish

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Book description
The imperial succession at Rome was notoriously uncertain, and where possible hereditary succession was preferred. But when the infamous emperor Domitian was assassinated in AD 96, he had no sons and had executed several family members who might have succeeded him; the uncertain situation provoked a dangerous crisis. John Graingers study looks at this period of intrigue and conspiracy. He explores how, why and by whom Domitian was killed, the rule of Nerva, chosen to succeed him, and finally Nervas own choice of successor, Trajan, who became a strong and respected emperor against the odds. Perhaps most significantly Grainger investigates the effects of this dynastic uncertainty both inside and outside the ruling group in Rome, asking why civil war did not occur in this time of political upheaval. The last time a dynasty had failed in AD 68, a damaging military conflict had resulted; at the next failure in AD 192, another war broke out; by the third century civil war was institutionalized, and was one of the main reasons for the eventual downfall of the entire imperial structure.
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