LINK Mounted by Barbara Morgenroth (Goodreads Author) mp3 read iBooks txt get

LINK Mounted by Barbara Morgenroth (Goodreads Author) mp3 read iBooks txt get

LINK Mounted by Barbara Morgenroth (Goodreads Author) mp3 read iBooks txt get

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Book description
When a handsome new trainer arrives at Bittersweet Farm, the competition between half-sisters is no longer limited to the show ring. Talia Margolins life has been marked by events completely beyond her control--her mothers death, her move to her fathers horse farm, the retirement of her show horse. Now she faces the arrival of a new coach whose job is to get Talias half-sister, Greer, qualified for the finals at the National Horse Show. Greer is brutal on trainers but Lockie Malone is different. Handsome, talented, and with a will of hardened steel, Lockie can be an immovable object. He also becomes the agent for change in the lives of everyone at Bittersweet Farm. For seventeen year old Talia, change has never meant anything but loss. Will this time be different?
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