LINK Montfort: The Viceroy - 1243 to 1253 by Katherine Ashe download mp3 fb2 iphone story

LINK Montfort: The Viceroy - 1243 to 1253 by Katherine Ashe download mp3 fb2 iphone story

LINK Montfort: The Viceroy - 1243 to 1253 by Katherine Ashe download mp3 fb2 iphone story

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Book description
King Henry cannot afford to lose so brilliant a military commander as Simon has become. Making peace with him, he sends Simon to bring the duchy of Gascony back under England’s control. But the Gascons want their independence. They persuade King Henry to recall the too effective Viceroy, and Simon stands trial for treason. But is it for Gascony, or for his amour with the Queen that he is standing trial? High points: many battles, early use of cannon in battle.
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