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This tasted good, and was nutritious too. I hadn’t previously heard of Pierre Michon before picking this up the other day, but the Guy Davenport blurb on the back, along with the look and feel of the book, and the fact that there was another book about Rimbaud by Michon next to this one on the shelf, as well as one published by Archipelago books, was enough for me to make an impulse purchase.The book somehow exuded compact smartness, while the drawing fragment on the cover suggested a spare emotional depth. I couldn’t wait to read it, it just looked and felt so good in my hands, and the introduction detailing the translator’s efforts to get it published in the mid-1990’s, with Guy Davenport as a key player, made me even more eager, more hungry. It tasted good, and was nutritious too. Michon’s writing has a passionate headlong quality, but gets emotionally and syntactically convoluted at times. These two convolutions often occur simultaneously, one mirroring the other, which amplifies Michon’s passion and draws the reader further in. His writing is remarkable in its ability to create tangible living settings and landscapes, transporting the reader back to specific times and places, while creating timeless characters as if from the inside out, via their inner impulses. This is a series of five novellas/stories, which while not explicitly linked are linked by common themes, and when read in the order offered create a larger work of ebbing and flowing emotional tides and gravity and lightness. The main theme is the intersection of art with life, either the life of the artist, an apprentice, or an “artless” companion. Also explored are themes of what drives someone to create art, and what impact that art has on the world at large. These themes are explored through the intimate acquaintance of Van Gogh with Joseph Roulin the postman, who he painted numerous times; through Goya’s relationship with the shadow of Velazquez; through Watteau’s relationship with his model for his famous painting Pierrot; through a minor Renaissance painter and his auspicious gift of a pig from a farmer; and through a brief disciple of Claude Lorraine’s who once witnessed Claude’s lady pissing in the woods. All of these tales have a concentrated emotion, and all are mesmerizing, though the Goya somewhat eluded me even as it mesmerized. Standouts are the Roulin, which manages a new angle on Van Gogy and is nearly a tearjerker as Roulin struggles through his life and struggles with selling off his portrait to a nice but unscrupulous dealer; the Watteau in its portrayal of an emotionally flippant and confused painter and his partially wasted life; and the Renaissance painter and his pig which is inspirational (as well as devastating) in its delineation of a reason to paint even as it’s known the painting (indeed all painting) eventually ends up on the trash heap.I look forward to reading more Michon. Indeed, I returned to the bookstore today and bought two more of his books.
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