LINK Marvel Knights 4, Volume 5: The Resurrection of Nicholas Scratch by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Writer) ios access how download information online

LINK Marvel Knights 4, Volume 5: The Resurrection of Nicholas Scratch by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Writer) ios access how download information online

LINK Marvel Knights 4, Volume 5: The Resurrection of Nicholas Scratch by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Writer) ios access how download

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Book description

Book description
There is an order to everything. A balance to the world and the nether-realms beneath the world. And now that balance is being tipped, as dark forces gather like a storm. The occult mutants known as Salems Seven are once more banding together. But this time, its to bring their father, the nefarious Nicholas Scratch, back to life. If they should somehow succeed... pray for the Fantastic Fours souls. Collecting: Marvel Knights 4 25-30
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