LINK Making Adorable Teddy Bears: From Anita Louises Bearlace Cottage by Anita Louise download pdf

LINK Making Adorable Teddy Bears: From Anita Louises Bearlace Cottage by Anita Louise download pdf

LINK Making Adorable Teddy Bears: From Anita Louises Bearlace Cottage by Anita Louise download pdf

> READ BOOK > Making Adorable Teddy Bears: From Anita Louises Bearlace Cottage

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Book description
A professional designer and dealer in handmade bears, Crane gives patterns and step-by-step instructions for a dozen styles of bear, with hints for dressing them in baby or doll clothes....The finished bears are photographed in colorful settings of lace and flowers....Delightful guide for creating an antique-style bear at a fraction of the cost of an original. Recommended.--LJ. ...oh-so-cute how-to book on fashioning these cuddly dolls from scratch....Each of the more than 100 projects includes not only directions, full-size templates, and color photographs, but also descriptions of the bears personality and favorite pastime!--Booklist. The photography is so enchanting, youll want to display it on your coffee table!--Sew News. 144 pages (all in color), 8 1/2 x 11.
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