LINK Love in the Jungle by Livia Lang (Goodreads Author) free eReader touch how download reader

LINK Love in the Jungle by Livia Lang (Goodreads Author) free eReader touch how download reader

LINK Love in the Jungle by Livia Lang (Goodreads Author) free eReader touch how download reader

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Book description
Dr. Rose Stevens is shy, anxious, and a believer in following the rules. However, when a handsome college student on her excavation crew catches her eye, things change. He is hotter than the Guatemalan heat and makes it hard for her to think. She tries to ignore her blossoming feelings and focus on archaeology...because an attraction like that could ruin her career and Gabriels future. Gabriel Cano is a wisecracking former solider who loves to fluster Rose. He wants nothing more than to see the redheaded professor relax and let her hair down. However, Rose blocks his advances at every turn and Gabriel is beginning to lose hope of seducing his sexy crush. Things are at a stalemate when the excavation uncovers a long-lost Mayan tomb. Gold hunters are soon circling the site like vultures, and they are armed to kill. As things get dangerous, and there is more than treasure on the line, will Rose and Gabriel be able to hold on to each other? Or are there some rules that you cant break, no matter what?
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