LINK Lord Ashfords Wager (Signet Regency Romance, AE 8049) by Marjorie Farrell download book free mobi

LINK Lord Ashfords Wager (Signet Regency Romance, AE 8049) by Marjorie Farrell download book free mobi

LINK Lord Ashfords Wager (Signet Regency Romance, AE 8049) by Marjorie Farrell download book free mobi

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Book description

Book description
Its packaged as a romance but its NOT a romance. It follows a widow who was sold at 17 to a nabob thirty yrs older. She was a decent woman who was devoted to husband for their 15 yr marriage. She wants to re-marry for love this time and she gets engaged to the hero for about 2 seconds.Then she is murdered onscreen about 30% into the book.The hero goes to prison for her murder. He is weak and whiny and has a gambling addiction.The heroine (according to the backblurb) is a doormat in the background who has loved the hero all her life.This sucks.
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