LINK Kindle My Heart by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda eng iphone cheap book download

LINK Kindle My Heart by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda eng iphone cheap book download

LINK Kindle My Heart by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda eng iphone cheap book download

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Book description
Im not sure why I suddenly decided to add this book, and the others before it. I have been studying Siddha Yoga off and on for about 15 years now. When I first came to this spiritual path, Kindle My Heart was the first book I bought. I had to special order it from Brentanos books at Scottsdale Fashion Square, because it was something not ordinarily stocked. Furthermore, at the time, this book was split into two volumes, and it is now available in one simple volume.Its a series of talks given by Gurumayi in the early 90s at her Ashram in South Fallsburg NY. They are themed, and can be likened to the kind of sermons given by more western spiritualists.She is brilliant, wise, funny, and irresistible.
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