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Book description
Just before the start of a new trek, a Sherpa family discovers that their yaks are missing. Young Kami, anxious to help his brother and fatherВ maintain their livelihood, sets off by himself to find the wandering herd.В A spunky deaf child who is unable to speak, Kami attempts to summon the yaks with his shrill whistle.В Failing to rout them,В he hustles up the steep mountainside to search the yaks favorite grazing spots. On the way he encounters the rumblings of a fierce storm which quickly becomes more threatening. Surmounting his fear of being alone in the midst ofВ treacherous lightning and hail, Kami uses hisВ heightened sense of observation to finally locate the yaks. Reunited with their animals, theВ astonished family isВ once again ableВ toВ transport their gear and guide the mountain climbersВ into the majestic terrain.В 
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