LINK Impacted by Mickie B. Ashling (Goodreads Author) pdf download free

LINK Impacted by Mickie B. Ashling (Goodreads Author) pdf download free

LINK Impacted by Mickie B. Ashling (Goodreads Author) pdf download free

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Book description
On his way home from vacation, Scott Gregory, a closeted sub, hooks up with the gorgeous Red, a flamboyant dom, for a thrilling one-off at a BDSM bar. They part ways after a satisfying scene... but meet again when Robin Kennedy-Red-arrives at his new job as a dental hygienist and discovers one of his two bosses is Scott. Robin and Scott embark on a journey of exploration into their kinkier sides and discover theyre more than compatible-theyre a perfect match. But keeping employer/employee and Dom/sub separate at the office presents difficulties, and to make matters even more complicated, the owner of the dental practice is an acknowledged homophobe. They fall in love, but Robin chafes at all the secrecy, refusing to live in the shadows. Scott isnt as brave; hes desperate to protect his job and his future. Will they be able to find some middle ground... or will their entire relationship fall apart because of fear?
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