LINK How Can I Possibly Forgive? Rescuing Your Heart from Resentment and Regret by Sara Horn (Goodreads Author) phone eng ebay online itunes

LINK How Can I Possibly Forgive? Rescuing Your Heart from Resentment and Regret by Sara Horn (Goodreads Author) phone eng ebay online itunes

LINK How Can I Possibly Forgive? Rescuing Your Heart from Resentment and Regret by Sara Horn (Goodreads Author) phone eng ebay online

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Book description
Sometimes its a struggle to forgive a friend, a family member, a coworker, or a neighbor. This book helps you to look at the meaning of forgiveness and the impact that choosing to forgive--or refusing to forgive--has on your life. It will help you identify the battles worth fighting and the ones that arent and how to tell the difference.As she did in her popular one-year experiment with submission, Sara Horn reveals through personal experiences and stories what shes learned about forgiving with Gods help and healing. In the process, she explores the steps toward forgiveness, including how totake care of the little problems we allow to become big issues move on from painful slights and deep wounds be real with ourselves and God first and then be real with others find closure when disappointment in others doesnt resolve itself let go of regret, anger, and bitterness that keep us from living in the freedom God intendsLife isnt about holding on to destructive and painful experiences. Its about letting go. And its about letting God work in our trying situations so we can see Him more clearly on the other side.
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