LINK Great Irish Tales of Horror: A Treasury of Fear by Peter Haining download book free pdf

LINK Great Irish Tales of Horror: A Treasury of Fear by Peter Haining download book free pdf

LINK Great Irish Tales of Horror: A Treasury of Fear by Peter Haining download book free pdf

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Book description
From legends retold around the peat fire to modern stories of psychological terror, the Irish have always had a fascination with fear. Drawn from 200 years of short story writing, this book includes 24 powerful Irish tales with more than enough material to set pulses racing: satanic figures, ghosts, and hapless victims fleeing from their inescapable dooms. Writers includes such giants of classic horror fiction as Bram Stoker, Sax Rohmer, and Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu; masters like George Bernard Shaw, John Millington Synge, and Dorothy Macardle; and such modern exponents of the genre as Brian Cleeve, Jack Higgins, and Neil Jordan.
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