LINK Gingerbread Palace by E.M. Lynley (Goodreads Author) find pc online reading story

LINK Gingerbread Palace by E.M. Lynley (Goodreads Author) find pc online reading story

LINK Gingerbread Palace by E.M. Lynley (Goodreads Author) find pc online reading story

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Book description
A Novella in the Delectable SeriesA week before Christmas, Alex Bancroft’s bakery goes up in flames. When he runs back inside after a dog, firefighter Kevin Flint has to rescue Alex—and Quincy—from the smoldering building, endangering them and inflaming Kevin’s resentment.Now Alex can’t create the elaborate gingerbread house he donates to a foster-kids charity each year. Fire Station 7 again comes to his rescue, offering their kitchen and their manpower.Everyone but Kevin Flint, that is. A third-generation firefighter, he’s fearful of stepping too far out of the closet. So when his powerful physical attraction for Alex ends in a sizzling secret encounter in the firehouse, Kevin can’t push Alex far enough away, and Alex returns the cold shoulder.After a change of heart, Kevin risks his life to prove he’s worthy of Alex’s affection, but without a Christmas miracle, their chances at sweet romance might go up in smoke.Like all Delectable stories, Gingerbread Palace includes recipes used in the book.
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