LINK Franz Kline: An Emotional Memoir by Fielding Dawson pc read value kickass francais

LINK Franz Kline: An Emotional Memoir by Fielding Dawson pc read value kickass francais

LINK Franz Kline: An Emotional Memoir by Fielding Dawson pc read value kickass francais

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Book description
Published five years after the painter’s death in 1962, this Beat-era memoir captures the creative and intoxicating period during which the author met and subsequently befriended Kline, first at Black Mountain College and later in New York City. His loose and poetic prose--featuring a characteristic trust in his reader’s ability to interpret elliptical, shifting narratives--tells of nights drinking at the Cedar Tavern, affairs with sometimes nameless women, philosophical discussions with the painters of the Artists Club, and all in all tenderly captures the Zeitgeist and existential self-doubt that was downtown New York in the 50s.
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