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Stuff I Read D&D Edition – Five NationsI’m starting to run down in the number of books I have to review yet. Obviously I’ve gotten through a lot of the ones I was very excited about, like The Forge of War and Dragons of Eberron. I have also been through the books about the areas not covered in the Eberron Campaign Setting. And so sitting down to read Five Nations, I wasn’t too incredibly excited. These nations are covered in the Campaign Setting, after all, and so I wasn’t expecting an incredible amount of new material. What surprised me was how interesting I found the book and how much additional information it brings to bear. It helps that this is the core of the setting, that the five nations themselves are really the main area of the game. Which means that they have enough to fill an entire book with stuff not contained in other books. Or, at least, mainly not contained in other books. Because there is a bit of redundancy. But it is more that this book expands what is presented in the Campaign Setting, really running with it. Not only does it reintroduce the major players of the various kingdoms, but it also gives them full stats and more personality, information, cohorts, and motivations. Where in the Campaign Setting they were more two dimensional by constraints of space, here they are allowed to breath and the book presents a vast number of organizations and plots that run in the background of the five nations and were not mentioned in the Campaign Setting.And of course the book also introduces new area specific prestige classes and such, new monsters and spells and things that give each area more of a unique feel, a distinct differentness when compared to the other areas. I regret that I hadn’t put a bit more of those differences into my own Eberron campaign now, because this book goes to great lengths to show how different these nations are ideologically, politically, and personally. And while I don’t really care for prestige classes as a rule, they work well into the politics of the areas they come from and do present some interesting ideas for role playing. And the more modern politics are quite interesting as well. Combine this book with The Forge of War and a much better picture of the political landscape of Eberron appears. Because this is very much the modern picture of the five nations and does not delve much into the past. It does provide new aspects that can be incorporated at every level of the game, from small to large groups of thieves and killers to secret societies and royal intelligence to religious orders and militant revolutionaries. It does offer quite the range for working within the five nations, and attempts to widen the intrigue and web of plots at work constantly, helping the setting attain more of the dark, steampunk, and noir atmospheres.At the same time I think I was most intrigued by some of the small information that they throw into the mix. In particular the sections about art and cuisine, which fascinate me. Already they have started me on creating a way to make an Iron Chef style system that could be incorporated into an Eberron campaign, because I think that those details are great and deserve even more attention. The political stuff was all to be expected, but I think it almost more interesting to know how the nations express themselves through art and food. These are the details that really give me a sense of the people. It also gives me ideas for cooking related campaigns, but I have already mused about that before. It does not take away, though, that this book really does go much more in depth to what makes the people of the five nations work as people, what makes them happy and how they think. And that insight is valuable when running a campaign. So in the end I was pleasantly surprised by this book. It exceeded my expectations and chimes in at an 8.5/10
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