LINK First German Reader for Beginners Bilingual for Speakers of English (Graded German Readers) by Lisa Katharina May download text story epub sale

LINK First German Reader for Beginners Bilingual for Speakers of English (Graded German Readers) by Lisa Katharina May download text story epub sale

LINK First German Reader for Beginners Bilingual for Speakers of English (Graded German Readers) by Lisa Katharina May download

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Book description

Book description
The book consists of Elementary and Pre-intermediate courses with parallel German-English texts. The author maintains learners motivation by funny stories about real life situations such as meeting people, studying, job searches, working etc. Method ALARM (Approved Learning Automatic Remembering Method) utilize natural human ability to remember words used in texts repeatedly and systematically. The author had to compose each sentence using only words explained in previous chapters. The second and the following chapters of the Elementary course have only 29 new words each. Audio tracks are available on free of charge.
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