LINK Figs and Fate: Stories about Growing Up in the Arab World Today by Elsa Marston audio find store price download

LINK Figs and Fate: Stories about Growing Up in the Arab World Today by Elsa Marston audio find store price download

LINK Figs and Fate: Stories about Growing Up in the Arab World Today by Elsa Marston audio find store price download

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Book description

Book description
The five stories in this collection are told from the perspective of Arab teens living in Syria, Lebanon, a Palestinian refugee camp, Egypt, and Iraq. Each main character embarks on a mission to confront his or her social situation, whether regarding friends, family, teachers, or society at large. In Santa Claus in Baghdad, Amal struggles with several coming-of-age experiences that teach her the importance of sacrifice and give her the strength to overcome personal insecurities. In another story, The Plan, Marwan discovers that love is still possible even amid the squalor of life in a refugee camp and the remains of destroyed lives. Marston beautifully details the rich Middle Eastern culture of these five individuals and their families, dispelling negative stereotypes associated with young adults living in these societies and providing for a better understanding of their culture. Their ideals, goals, and dreams are no different from those of teens living elsewhere in the world. By exploring the challenges they face, Figs and Fate will awaken you to the rhythms of young peoples lives in the Middle East--a beat that may sound surprisingly familiar to you.
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