LINK Essential X-Men, Vol. 4 by Chris Claremont amazon review cheap view read

LINK Essential X-Men, Vol. 4 by Chris Claremont amazon review cheap view read

LINK Essential X-Men, Vol. 4 by Chris Claremont amazon review cheap view read

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Book description
Legendary X-Men writer Chris Claremont and two of that titles best known artists, John Romita Jr. and Paul Smith, bring forth some of the mutants greatest adventures in this mammoth 528-page volume. Hated and feared by a world they are sworn to protect, the phenomenally popular X-Men face off against some of their most unforgettable adversaries. The X-Men have surpassed the merely popular to become a franchise and an institution in the comics industry, and now with the success of the X-Men movie, one of the most popular film franchises going. As much about personal relationships as costumed adventuring, these stories have forged an unforgettable bridge across the latter decades of the 20th Century.
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