LINK Equinox: Life, Love, and Birds of Prey by Dan O'Brien bookstore access selling online ebay

LINK Equinox: Life, Love, and Birds of Prey by Dan O'Brien bookstore access selling online ebay

LINK Equinox: Life, Love, and Birds of Prey by Dan O'Brien bookstore access selling online ebay

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Book description

Book description
In Equinox, author and falconer Dan OBrien narrates a season of his life dedicated to the elusive pursuit of perfect falconry. The main characters in the memoir include loyal dogs and talented falcons - one of my favorites is Alice, a brazen passage Coopers Hawk accidentally trapped, but conscientiously kept and trained: so much personality in a person who is not human! I just wish the book had more about her story and career as a gamehawk. OBriens writing paints a vivid picture of life on the northern plains. OBrien also masterfully captures the high tension inherent in the life of a falconer and family man who must constantly make choices about where to invest his attention - with his wife or with his hawks, both of which comprise necessary prerequisites to a happy and balanced life, and neither one of which ought to be satisfied with just enough - a tension to which most falconers can relate all too deeply. Anyone who practices their passions which often clash with other aspects of life should be able to identify with the themes of OBriens tale. All in all, Equinox is a deeply evocative book that is simultaneously an education, an entertainment, and a meditation to be enjoyed by all nature-lovers.
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