LINK Entwined: Sisters and Secrets in the Silent World of Artist Judith Scott by Joyce Scott (Goodreads Author) eReader online read pocket price

LINK Entwined: Sisters and Secrets in the Silent World of Artist Judith Scott by Joyce Scott (Goodreads Author) eReader online read pocket price

LINK Entwined: Sisters and Secrets in the Silent World of Artist Judith Scott by Joyce Scott (Goodreads Author) eReader online …

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Book description

Book description
The remarkable story of “outsider” artist Judith Scott, who was institutionalized for more than thirty years before being rescued by her sisterJudith Scott was born with Down syndrome in 1943 in Columbus, Ohio, during a time when such children were often shipped away. But, Judy wasn’t born alone. She was born a twin, coupled in the womb with her sister, Joyce, who would always be beside her. For the first seven years, the twins were inseparable, until Judy was whisked from their shared bed to be warehoused in a state institution, where she would live for the next thirty-five years of her life.Decades later, after experiencing personal turmoil of her own, Joyce resolves to reunite with her sister by removing her from the institution and filling her remaining years with joy. She enrolls her at an art center for people with disabilities, and it’s there that Judy’s creative passion ignites. For the next eighteen years, with unflagging intensity, Judy works five days a week producing more than two hundred cocoon-like sculptures, which today are found in permanent museum and private collections around the world. Part memoir, part biography, Entwined is a poignant and astonishing story about the art of embracing life.
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