LINK Energy Island: How one community harnessed the wind and changed their world by Allan Drummond reader touch review online sale

LINK Energy Island: How one community harnessed the wind and changed their world by Allan Drummond reader touch review online sale

LINK Energy Island: How one community harnessed the wind and changed their world by Allan Drummond reader touch review online sale

> READ BOOK > Energy Island: How one community harnessed the wind and changed their world

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Book description
Hold onto your hats! Its windy on the Danish island of Samso. Meet the environmentally friendly people who now proudly call their home Energy Island.At a time when most countries are producing ever-increasing amounts of CO2, the rather ordinary citizens of Samsø have accomplished something extraordinary--in just ten years they have reduced their carbon emissions by 140% and become almost completely energy independent. A narrative tale and a science book in one, this inspiring true story proves that with a little hard work and a big idea, anyone can make a huge step towards energy conservation.
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