LINK Ella: Cinders and Ash by Erik Schubach (Goodreads Author) doc free full selling book

LINK Ella: Cinders and Ash by Erik Schubach (Goodreads Author) doc free full selling book

LINK Ella: Cinders and Ash by Erik Schubach (Goodreads Author) doc free full selling book

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Book description
Drawn to Seattle by the pull of black magics, Ella brings her wrath. A trail of blood and violence left in her wake. By chance, Parker Devareau, meets Ella while rushing home to get behind the safety of her Full Moon Bars on a full moon night. Parker can see, hear and feel things that no ordinary person can. When Ella saves Parker from a breach of the protective city walls caused by the druids, Parker sees something beyond the impression of a schizophrenic with multiple personalities who is constantly talking to someone who is not there. And the truth breaks her heart. The women stand together with the Red Hood and Gretta Snow to saver the people of the city who perceive them as monsters.
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