LINK Craving the Boy Band (MMMMM Gay Menage Celebrity Rock Star Erotica) by Hugh Blackwood online link pocket kickass eng

LINK Craving the Boy Band (MMMMM Gay Menage Celebrity Rock Star Erotica) by Hugh Blackwood online link pocket kickass eng

LINK Craving the Boy Band (MMMMM Gay Menage Celebrity Rock Star Erotica) by Hugh Blackwood online link pocket kickass eng

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Book description

Book description
Impromptu Buddy Porn Read with Marte, Marco, Julie, and ElsbethWell…. this was… eeuhh…. different… I am always in for a good porny read, but this was really not that good. I did like the premise of a boy band orgy. And our MC, John sure was enthusiastic, I had to give him that. But the words used to describe things were a bit of a turn off….Man-pussy…. Really??? This is what you come up with when writing a PWP?Member….. sigh… been there, done that… hate that word. Used way too often in books. We have beautiful words people: cock and dick! Use them.And I’ve learned a new word today: Shlock. I think I will try to use this in a sentence tomorrow.He pulled back and slid his cock out with a wet shlock and John gasped for breath.Overall, it was a nice story, just not that nice… And I for one am going to fantasize about these guys getting it on with each other…Ha! Had you there, didn’t I….
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