LINK Covalent Bonds (Red Moon Anthologies Book 3) by Trysh Thompson (Goodreads Author) (Editor) book epub online

LINK Covalent Bonds (Red Moon Anthologies Book 3) by Trysh Thompson (Goodreads Author) (Editor) book epub online

LINK Covalent Bonds (Red Moon Anthologies Book 3) by Trysh Thompson (Goodreads Author) (Editor) book epub online

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Book description

Book description
Covalent bonds aren’t just about atoms sharing electron pairs anymore—it’s about the electricity that happens when you pair two geeks together. This anthology celebrates geeks of all kinds (enthusiasts, be it for comics, Dr. Who, movies, gaming, computers, or even grammar), and allows them to step out of their traditional supporting roles and into the shoes of the romantic lead. Forget the old stereotypes: geeks are sexy.Featuring nine stories ranging from sweet to hot, by authors G.G. Andrew, Laura VanArendonk Baugh, Tellulah Darling, Mara Malins, Jeremiah Murphy, Marie Piper, Charlotte M. Ray, Wendy Sparrow, and Cori Vidae, Covalent Bonds is a chance for geeks get their noses out of the books, and instead to be the book.
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