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Book description
The exploits of Otto Skorzney during World War II were amazing. I had heard about his rescue of Mussolini when Il Duce was imprisoned by war-weary Italians and King Victor Emmanuel, but not about his many other exploits, on behalf of the Germans. This man was an Indiana Jones, a soldiers soldier, working to execute orders with a minimum of lives lost under circumstances that required immense daring.And this book is so well written that I was rooting for Otto, wanting him to succeed - which never happens to me. Maybe thats not remarkable and more a sign of my age - my father fought in WWII, so usually when Im reading a book about that topic, Im very conscious about what side Im reading about, but this book made me just want Ottos raiders to get through.The exploits are interesting, the narrative highly readable, the man himself appears amazing. Excellent subject, excellent book.I should note a few additional datapoints, however: a 2014 Smithsonian series (Secrets of the Third Reich) claimed that Skorzneys involvement in the Mussolini rescue was that of an observer who opportunistically thrust himself into the limelight, rather than the leader. Whether thats true or not, he certainly was able to spin a tale, and take advantage of that limelight. In addition, Skorzney, according to Wikipedia, in spite of undergoing the Denazification process, never made any effort to distance himself from even the most unpleasant of the Nazis or the Nazi cause. Delightful in the book - may we all have a similar coat of whitewash available to cover our sins - not necessarily so in real life.
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