LINK Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change by Martin S. Silberberg fb2 sale tablet access online

LINK Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change by Martin S. Silberberg fb2 sale tablet access online

LINK Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change by Martin S. Silberberg fb2 sale tablet access online

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Book description
For five editions, the Silberberg brand has been recognised in the general chemistry market as an unparalleled classic. The sixth edition has been changed in many ways to keep pace with the evolution of student learning. The text still contains unprecedented macroscopic-to-microscopic molecular illustrations, consistent step-by-step worked exercises in every chapter, and an extensive range of end-of-chapter problems, which provide engaging applications covering a wide variety of interests, including engineering, medicine, materials, and environmental studies. Changes have been made to the text and applications throughout to make them more succinct, to the artwork to make it more teachable and modern, and to the design to make it more simplistic and open.
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