LINK Can We All Get Along?: Racial and Ethnic Minorities in American Politics by Paula Denice McClain mobi online reading

LINK Can We All Get Along?: Racial and Ethnic Minorities in American Politics by Paula Denice McClain mobi online reading

LINK Can We All Get Along?: Racial and Ethnic Minorities in American Politics by Paula Denice McClain mobi online reading

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Book description
Rodney King framed what might be called the enduring question of American politics from the Founding forward: “Can we all get along?” In a nation built by immigrants and bedeviled by the history and legacy of slavery, issues of liberty, equality, and community continue to challenge Americans. Whether we look at the Los Angeles riots, the patterns of ethnic representation in Congress, or examples of discrimination in schools, we see that “getting along” is intimately connected with “who gets what, when, and how”—the traditional definition of politics.The second edition of this widely acclaimed text has been extensively revised to reflect the latest scholarship and the most recent events in America’s ongoing struggle with racial issues. Here, Paula McClain and Joseph Stewart combine traditional elements of political science analysis—history, Constitutional theory, institutions, political behavior, and policy actors—with a thoroughgoing survey of the political status of four major groups: African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and American Indians. They show similarities and differences in these groups’ political action and experience, and point the way toward coalition, competition, and consensus-building in the face of ongoing conflict. Two dilemmas shape the book: How do we as a nation reconcile a commitment to equality with persistent inequality and discrimination? And what can we do about it—from the perspective of ethnic and racial minorities as well as within the dominant culture? The revised version of the second edition features an updated discussion on Supreme Court decisions on majority-minority districts; updated information on African American, Latino, Asian, and American Indian Representation in Congress; a new discussion of residential segregation; revised and updated maps and tables; a new concluding chapter that touches on theoretical frameworks useful for studying racial minority politics; and results and analysis of the 1998 mid-term elections.
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