LINK Call of CATTHULHU by Joel Sparks (Goodreads Author) no registration doc spanish store book

LINK Call of CATTHULHU by Joel Sparks (Goodreads Author) no registration doc spanish store book

LINK Call of CATTHULHU by Joel Sparks (Goodreads Author) no registration doc spanish store book




Book description

Book description
WELCOME to the real world -- that is, the world in which human civilization was secretly made for the comfort of cats, in which dark Powers like Mutt’thra the Monster Dog, Hastpurr of Catcosa, and Great Catthulhu himself vie for control of reality, in which only brave and clever felines have the wit and wherewithal to oppose grim and mystic cabals, and in which two-footed people live in blissful ignorance of all of these facts. Misguided cults of humans and other animals propitiate the Powers of Chaos. They seek to end civilization, driving humanity into slavery and madness and interrupting the all-important schedule of feeding, petting, and changing the litter box.In CALL OF CATTHULHU, the players take the roles of a variety of ordinary-seeming cats fighting conspiracies of cosmic chaos. One or more participants play the part of heroic cats, and one person acts as the Cat Herder, arranging secret challenges and rewards and guiding the others through the process of making an adventure. Rules are light and emphasize player cleverness and quick wits. There’s plenty of darkness and chaos, but the feline heroes are up to the challenge... usually.Welcome to Call of Catthulhu. Good hunting.
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