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LINK Bondis Brother by Irving Roth fb2 ibooks ipad

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Book description
This is the true story of a very brave and awesome man. He shows what true strength is and how powerful the will to survive and live can be. It is a story of life, tragedy and survival. Irving Roth and his family lived the atrocity of Auschwitz. Unfortunately for Irving, not all of his family survived Auschwitz. This is a very moving story and makes you stop and think about how lucky you really are.My daughter, who is a teacher, had the honor of meeting Irv as she likes to call him in person. She is very involved with the Holocaust. Mr. Roth came to her classroom and also spoke at a nearby college to standing room only. My daughter got me an autographed copy of this book and I will always treasure it.Anyone who doubts that this really happended or wants to know more about what it was like should really read this book. Im glad my daughter gave it to me.
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