LINK Black Cat, Volume 06 by Kentaro Yabuki price access online tom full version

LINK Black Cat, Volume 06 by Kentaro Yabuki price access online tom full version

LINK Black Cat, Volume 06 by Kentaro Yabuki price access online tom full version

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Book description
The gunman for the Apostles of the Stars, Durham, seeks out Trains friends and beats his whereabouts out of them after having been told by Creed that Train is the ultimate gunman. Vowing to take that title for himself, Durham challenges Train, and to avenge Annette and Eve, will Train go as far as to kill him...? There was a lot of Eve in this one. And honestly, I would have given it 4 stars, but it just didnt leave a very big impression on me. I guess this series should have been one of the manga I first read, yeah? But I didnt even know about Black Cat back then. I really only heard about it maybe 2 years ago, if that long ago. (Which is pretty amazing for me, because back when I first got into anime and manga I knew about pretty much every anime that was out there AND that was PLANNED for becoming an anime. LOL. I waited FOUR GODDAMN YEARS for Heart no Kuni no Alice... But then they put the anime production on hiatus because Quinrose ran out of money, and yet, they kept making more games! AND FINALLY THEY COME OUT WITH AN OVA. It was never supposed to be just a measly OVA. -.- Also, I still havent watched it because it still pisses me off.) And hey! We finally got to see Durhams face! Correct me if I am wrong, but we, the fans, never had the pleasure of seeing Durham without his mask in the anime, did we? Also, Charden without his glasses is just as dreamy in the manga as in the anime. <3 I know Kyoko is a sort of fangirlly lech, but man is she right about Charden. <3 He looks so sophisticated, gentle, yet fierce! *Squeeaal!*
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