LINK Big Rivers Daughter by Bobbi Miller (Goodreads Author) tablet format author itunes online

LINK Big Rivers Daughter by Bobbi Miller (Goodreads Author) tablet format author itunes online

LINK Big Rivers Daughter by Bobbi Miller (Goodreads Author) tablet format author itunes online

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Book description
When River Fillians powerful father, a pirate on a Mississippi keeler, disappears after a horrific earthquake in 1811, she must challenge the infamous rivals who hope to claim his territory and find her own place in the new order. Includes historical notes.Recommended by the International Reading Association, and was nominated for the Amelia Bloomer Project (American Library Association, 2013). The Historical Novel Society, an international literary society, offeres, “..., this book comes recommended for its innovative language and use of folkloric elements which illuminate an unusual time and locale.” The book is listed on A Mighty Girl’s Top 2013 Mighty Girl Books for Tweens and Teens.
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