LINK Big Nate: Dibs On This Chair by Lincoln Peirce no registration doc spanish store book

LINK Big Nate: Dibs On This Chair by Lincoln Peirce no registration doc spanish store book

LINK Big Nate: Dibs On This Chair by Lincoln Peirce no registration doc spanish store book

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Book description
Big Nate dibs on that Chair.For our reading workshop my favorite book that I read was Big Nate dibs on that chair. The book is about a boy named Nate who has a normal life at school except, that he gets detention everyday. One of the main reasons I loved this series is that the author has a good sense of humor. Nate is always cracking inside jokes and, other kind of jokes like you mama jokes. This is definitely one of my favorite books but, I don’t always get the jokes. In this book the humor is usually based off of teacher nicknames, yo mama jokes and, random things. By random things I mean things like getting beat up by the biggest kid in the grade chester. In one scene of the book his friends make fun of him for having springy hair. In this book one random joke was summer school how he would always hate it no matter what, until he meets a girl named angie who later becomes his girlfriend. In this book there are no yo mama jokes but, in other books there are tons of them. In all the books nate always has a nickname that he uses at one time or another. In this book he call Mrs. Godfrey his social studies teacher she who shall not be named. This book was definitely more serious than other books but, it still has the big Nate feel to it. Nate in this book definitely has a normal school life. Almost everyday Nate gets detention for at least an hour for reasons like make fun of teachers in comics or arguing with Gina his worst enemy. Then he got a girlfriend in summer school because, he was getting bad grades like some students do. Francis is number one friend has been Nates friend since they were babies even though Francis is way smarter and, neater than Nate. His other friend Teddy who is number one A has been Nates friend for two years, Teddy also gets detention like Nate but, not close to as many times. Just like his other books this stays realistic as if Nate is a real student and, Nate like some comic characters doesn’t break down the fourth wall. In conclusion, all these reasons are why I choose to continue the big Nate series for school. This book I would be much better if they had added something with nate and, his new girlfriend because she was the main highlight but the book ended with them shake hands before she left to go home. Which could have ended off better if they had hung out the next day after school but , the book just makes the reader think about whats going to happen next is she going to stay a main character or just be a random other side character in the book. I had other brief reasons too like I wanted to get closer to finishing the series and, because it is just a fun comic to read.
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