LINK Bella Up, Up, and Away by Ryan O'Rourke book finder flibusta library ipad

LINK Bella Up, Up, and Away by Ryan O'Rourke book finder flibusta library ipad

LINK Bella Up, Up, and Away by Ryan O'Rourke book finder flibusta library ipad

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Book description

Book description
Bella is a curious cat who lives inside a lighthouse. When she meets a new friend, a cat named Claude, she invites him along for an adventure, only to find that he prefers warm sand to playing in the ocean, and likes naps more than defending sand castles from imaginary foes. When a strong wind sweeps Claude out to sea, Bella takes to the skies—borne aloft by a kite—to save him!In this whimsical picture book, author-illustrator Ryan O’Rourke tells another story of Bella, the sweet and curious cat whose adventures are sure to delight kids.O’Rourke’s distinctive artwork conveys the humor and curiosity of Bella and her friends. Sea dogs and landlubbers alike will delight in the beautiful seascapes inspired by O’Rourke’s summers on Cape Cod.
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