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LINK Beginning HTML, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript by Jon Duckett value tablet bookstore online touch

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Book description
An indispensable introductory guide to creating web pages using the most up-to-date standards This beginner guide shows you how to use XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create compelling Web sites. While learning these technologies, you will discover coding practices such as writing code that works on multiple browsers including mobile devices, how to use AJAX frameworks to add interactivity to your pages, and how to ensure your pages meet accessible requirements.Packed with real-world examples, the book not only teaches you how to write Web sites using XHTML, CSS and JavaScript, but it also teaches you design principles that help you create attractive web sites and practical advice on how to make web pages more usable. In addition, special checklists and appendices review key topics and provide helpful references that re-enforce the basics youve learned.Serves as an ideal beginners guide to writing web pages using XHTML Explains how to use CSS to make pages more appealing and add interactivity to pages using JavaScript and AJAX frameworks Share advice on design principles and how to make pages more attractive and offers practical help with usability and accessibility Features checklists and appendices that review key topics This introductory guide is essential reading for getting started with using XHTML, CSS and JavaScript to create exciting and compelling Web sites.Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
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