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LINK Baltimore, Vol. 4: Chapel of Bones by Mike Mignola read eReader mp3 how to portable

LINK Baltimore, Vol. 4: Chapel of Bones by Mike Mignola read eReader mp3 how to portable

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Book description
This series definitely takes me to that classic horror mood that I enjoy. To me, classic horror is the best horror there is. The modern-style stuff doesnt do it for me. I think Mignola and I have a meeting of minds on that. Its evident in his work. Baltimore is a man on a mission, and nothing will divert him from it. There are revelations about Baltimore and this story takes us full circle as it revisits a crucial scene from Baltimore, or, The Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire. Again, its an opportunity to see Baltimore through the eyes of others, and to try to understand his motivations. These books are very dark, but very fascinating. The artwork is excellent, even with the limited color palette.
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