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LINK An Introduction To Social Anthropology: Sharing Our Worlds by Joy Hendry fb2 sale tablet access online

LINK An Introduction To Social Anthropology: Sharing Our Worlds by Joy Hendry fb2 sale tablet access online

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Book description
Accessible and engaging, with unique first-hand accounts from indigenous peoples, this is a truly international introduction to social anthropology.The book uses a student-friendly approach with clear and engaging writing style. It contains two new chapters on key current issues as well as innovative new features, including first-hand accounts from contemporary indigenous people, on-page glossary and end-of-chapter questions.The book is written by a renowned Author who is highly regarded in the field. The first edition was highly successful.Written in a refreshingly accessible style, this fully updated 2nd edition offers the perfect introduction to social anthropology for anyone approaching the subject for the first time. It retains the logical structure of the first edition, and adds two new chapters on key issues, new end-of-chapter questions and exciting first-hand accounts.
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