LINK Accidentally Demonic by Dakota Cassidy francais get link library free

LINK Accidentally Demonic by Dakota Cassidy francais get link library free

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Book description
Dakota Cassidys style of writing has a unique urban vibe, and as always, she never fails to display her witty humor throughout the book. Yet, without such humor, I probably would have been bitter and furious the entire time due to Caseys nonchalance, run-of-the-mill attitude towards her changing to a demon. No matter if Casey had a practical mind, I expected her to at least throw some fireballs or give a butt whooping to Clayton since she almost resulted into a lifetime servitude to Lucifer as well as in hell mated to a demon because of him (I know I would freak out if I found horns on my head, a the letter L tattooed to my ass, web feet, green scaly skin, a bitch trying to kill me, and nearly spending an eternity mated to a demon). Instead, when she said she would give it to him she ended up drooling over his body. Lame. Moreover, Clayton, the vampire who accidentally causes Caseys dilemma, only makes matters worse by never being quite honest with her. It seems he lacked the cajones nearly through the entire book until closer to the end, but even then, it was meek. I cant understand how Casey fell in love with someone who couldnt be honest or who omitted the truth time and time again. I guess its why Im giving the book 2 stars since I couldnt fall head over heels for the characters or understand their rationality. I suggest reading Dakota Cassidys book, Kiss and Hell in place of Accidentally Demonic.
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