LINK AGF: The Gathering by Sam White purchase book windows store epub

LINK AGF: The Gathering by Sam White purchase book windows store epub

LINK AGF: The Gathering by Sam White purchase book windows store epub

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Book description
The first book in the Anything Goes Fighters series.Young Mick Rhoda was a thief in the city of Thenar who stole and scammed for his next meal. But that all changes when he is saved from an angry rival by a big, strong man named Ollie. Mick gets the idea to make some money by using his new friend to hold fights. But what starts out as a get rich quick scheme soon turns into a grand and unusual adventure as they leave Thenar to travel a crumbling empire to meet and recruit more fighters of varying styles and skill, clash with a growing list of enemies, and become heroes in a land in great need of them. Mick will gain more friends and excitement than he ever thought he would get ... and more danger.68,300 words (equivalent to 256 pages in mass market paperback form)Rated PG .
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