LINK A Modern Buddhist Bible: Essential Readings from East and West by Donald S. Lopez Jr. fb2 sale tablet access online

LINK A Modern Buddhist Bible: Essential Readings from East and West by Donald S. Lopez Jr. fb2 sale tablet access online

LINK A Modern Buddhist Bible: Essential Readings from East and West by Donald S. Lopez Jr. fb2 sale tablet access online

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Book description
The first book to bring together the key texts of modern BuddhismIn the last hundred years, the world, especially the West, has increasingly embraced the teachings of Buddhism. A Modern Buddhist Bible is the first anthology to bring together the writings from Buddhists, both Eastern and Western, that have redefined Buddhism for our era.Forging a universal doctrine from the divergent traditions of China, Sri Lanka, Japan, Burma, Thailand, and Tibet, the makers of modern Buddhism saw it as a return to the origin, as renowned scholar Donald Lopez shows. Modern Buddhism is for them a homeward journey to the vision of Buddha himself. Putting far more stress on meditation and spirituality than on ritual and relics, it embraces the ordination of women and values of science, social justice, tolerance, and individual freedom.A Modern Buddhist Bible includes writing by Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs, the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Tai Hsu, Cheng Yen, Shaku Soen, D. T. Suzuki, Alan Watts, Gary Snyder, Shunryu Suzuki, and others who have played a role in the rich and complex movement that fused Eastern insight with Western consciousness.
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