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LINK A Guardians Passion by Mya Lairis (Goodreads Author) story offline online doc finder

LINK A Guardians Passion by Mya Lairis (Goodreads Author) story offline online doc finder

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Book description
Freya Daniels, a warrior wolf, is expecting her first cub, and is overwhelmed by the attention lavished on her by her mates: Fenris, the imposing, dominant luna, and Rayne, the crafty, delicious witchwolf. Needing a break, she agrees to attend a Sohon retreat for expectant mothers. What should be a relaxing and informative week, however, turns to disaster as a vampire, who yearns to put werewolves back in their place as slaves, unleashes an attack on the Sohon compound, kidnapping mothers and cubs alike. In the midst of chaos and destruction, Freya has to rely upon her mates to take the vengeance she longs to--while she learns to become a warrior of a different type.
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