LINK 100 ways to Fight the Flab - and still have wine and chocolate by Jane Wenham-Jones (Goodreads Author) iBooks online how read via how to

LINK 100 ways to Fight the Flab - and still have wine and chocolate by Jane Wenham-Jones (Goodreads Author) iBooks online how read via how to

LINK 100 ways to Fight the Flab - and still have wine and chocolate by Jane Wenham-Jones (Goodreads Author) iBooks online how re…

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Book description
‘My BMI is 22, my hip-to-waist ratio passes muster with the medical profession, and given the right light, when wearing the right underwear, I have even been referred to as slim. A small miracle given my alcohol intake, addiction to crisps, and erratic approach to exercise …’ Ever started a new diet and found yourself reaching for the wine and chocolate within a week? Well now you can! Jane Wenham-Jones, best-selling author and columnist, offers 100 tips on slimming down without sacrifice. Quirky but useful, fun but factual, Jane’s approach is a unique mixture of everyday science, the right mental attitude, and common-sense strategies, designed to fit in with your busy life. With advice on “party weeks”, dressing to hide the pounds, and how to lose weight fast when a big date looms, Jane offers tactics that work where most diets fail. From eating a chilli a day to speed up your metabolism, to doing quick bursts of exercise with rapid results, to simply thinking yourself skinnier, these tried-and-tested methods will see you leaner and fitter – while allowing for a daily fix of the foods you love.
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