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It may include improvements like buildings, but not necessarily. The owner of the land may give a long-term like 99 years lease to another with the right to build on it. The improvement is a 'leasehold' for ownership of the right to use--without ownership of--the underlying land. The right to use the air above a parcel of land is subject to height limitations by local ordinance, state or federal law. This term comprehends any found, soil or earth whatsoever, as meadows, pastures, woods, waters, marshes, furze and heath. It has an indefinite extent upwards as well as downwards; therefore land, legally includes all houses and other buildings standing or built on it; and whatever is in a direct line between the surface and the centre of the earth, such as mines of metals and fossils. In a more confined sense, the word land is said to denote 'frank tenement at the least. In this sense, then, leaseholds cannot be said to be included under the word lands. The technical sense of the word land is farther explained by Sheppard, in his Touch. Land, as above observed, includes in general all the buildings erected upon it; 9 Day, R. Land legal definition of land https: It includes not only the soil or earth but always any water, a pond, for example, being regarded as land covered by water. Land may be divisible both horizontally and vertically; thus, ownership of the surface may be vested in one person while ownership of mines and minerals are vested in another. Scotland has a developed law of the tenement which has been given an even more coherent statutory basis in the twenty-first century. References in classic literature? But before they could get into the Land of the Monkeys, they came to a steep cliff with a river flowing below. Seated on the poop, Ned Land and I were chatting of one thing and another as we looked at this mysterious sea, whose great depths had up to this time been inaccessible to the eye of man. Suddenly, on turning a point of land , they found themselves close upon a camp on their own side of the river. No man lawfully entitled to his land would wait one hour before entering upon it. A list was appended, which consisted chiefly of books relating to the Holy Land , since the Holy Land was part of the excursion and seemed to be its main feature. This would not have been possible had not some clever man invented the 'wireless' and an equally clever child suggested the idea of reaching the mysterious Land of Oz by its means. Do you want to land your tea and silk from Asia and ship it straight East? We cannot put it into words, perhaps, for it is something mystic and strange, something that takes us nearer fairyland and makes us see that land of dreams with clearer eyes. Are the Wheelers the only folks living in the Land of Ev? It was not until the third day that we raised land , dead ahead, which I took, from my map, to be the isles of Scilly. Hence we may suppose that the organisms now living under the climate of latitude 60 deg, during the Pliocene period lived further north under the Polar Circle, in latitude 66 deg deg; and that the strictly arctic productions then lived on the broken land still nearer to the pole.

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