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Италия, Римини. Cube 4. Club Meeting 4. De Londres 4. Пожалуйста, оставьте Ваши контактные данные для того, чтобы мы могли связаться с Вами. Отправляя запрос, Вы подтверждаете 'Согласие на обработку персональных данных'. Обработка персональных данных осуществляется Агентом и его уполномоченными представителями Туроператором и непосредственными исполнителями услуг в целях исполнения настоящего договора в том числе, в зависимости от условий договора — в целях оформления проездных документов, бронирования номеров в средствах размещения и у перевозчиков, передачи данных в консульство иностранного государства, разрешения претензионных вопросов при их возникновении, представления информации уполномоченным государственным органам в том числе по запросу судов и органов внутренних дел. Настоящим Я подтверждаю, что переданные мной Агенту персональные данные являются достоверными и могут обрабатываться Агентом и его уполномоченными представителями. Настоящим Я подтверждаю наличие у меня полномочий на предоставление персональных данных лиц, указанных в Заявке, и принимаю на себя обязательство возместить Агенту любые расходы, связанные с отсутствием у меня соответствующих полномочий, в том числе убытки, связанные с санкциями проверяющих органов. Настоящее согласие дается на неопределенный срок и может быть в любой момент отозвано мной, а в части качающейся конкретного лица, субъекта персональных данных, указанного в Заявке, указанным лицом, путем направления письменного уведомления в адрес Агента по почте. Настоящим Я подтверждаю, что мои права, как субъекта персональных данных, мне разъяснены Агентом и мне понятны. Настоящим Я подтверждаю, что последствия отзыва настоящего согласия мне разъяснены Агентом и мне понятны. Настоящее Согласие является приложением настоящей Заявке. Как купить онлайн? Где купить? Горящие туры. Поиск тура. Online оплата. Популярные направления. Шри Ланка. Hotel Chris 4, Римини, Италия. Рейтинг отеля:. Поиск лучших цен Изменить параметры поиска. Мгновенный подбор тура из Москвы Бесплатный подбор тура специалистом центрального Московского офиса. Искья о. Не указаны контактные данные Ваше имя:. Оставить комментарий. Ваш запрос отправлен. Получите консультацию профессионала! Описание отеля Hotel Chris. Тип пляжа : Песок крупный, Песок серый. Ваше имя: Телефон: Ошибка! Не заполнены поля формы Cпасибо! Менеджеры агентства свяжутся с вами в течение 5 секунд! В какую страну Вы хотели бы отправиться? Курорт: Выберите курорт. Какая дата вылета Вам будет удобна? Выберите дату вылета:. На сколько дней Вы планируете отдых? Сколько человек едет в тур? Количество человек: 1 взрослый 1 взрослый с ребенком 1 взрослый с двумя детьми 2 взрослых 2 взрослых с ребенком 2 взрослых с двумя детьми 3 взрослых 3 взрослых с ребенком 3 взрослых с двумя детьми 4 взрослых 4 взрослых с ребенком 4 взрослых с двумя детьми. Расскажите о себе поподробней! Пожалуйста, оставьте Ваши контактные данные для того, чтобы мы могли связаться с Вами Ошибка! Менеджеры агентства свяжутся с вами в течение 15 минут!

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Отель Hotel Chris 4* - Римини, Италия: описание, фото, отзывы, туры от туроператора PEGAS Touristik (ПЕГАС Туристик).

Obrigado por visitar a Select Italy! Воспользуйтесь удобными услугами пассажирских перевозок. Бронируйте автомобили класса люкс и водное такси в любом уголке Италии. Постоянные цены и система онлайн бронирования. Удобные расположения офисов. Лучшие рестораны, рынки, магазины, необычные места в Италии и многое другое - выбирайте и печатайте! Вы хотите узнать в каком ресторане ужинают местные жители, а не туристы? Вы уже видели Колизей и Пантеон и ищите неизведанные уголки? Вы устали от туристических маршрутов? Подготовьтесь к путешествию с нашими рекомендациями T4T. В нашей базе данных более трех тысяч избранных мест по всей Италии. Corso Magenta, 85 Милан, A mere 4-minute walk from the Last Supper, Colonial Cafe is one of the rare places where even the always-in-a-hurry Milanese sit down for breakfast in a comfy red leather armchair. We also love the vibe from to pm during the Colonial Wine Hour where a free buffet of 32 hot and cold dishes is laid out to accompany your aperitivo. Piazza Indipendenza, 2 Регион Калабрия, Built in , ten years after the disastrous earthquake that hit Messina and Reggio Calabria, this dark green kiosk is considered one of the best places for artisanal gelato in Calabria. They offer a great selection of classic flavors such as fior di latte, lemon, strawberry, coffee and hazelnut, according to the Italian tradition. Piazza A. Antuono di Torchiara, The main flavor is fig since this little town is renowned for its figs - they even celebrate a fig festival each year in August - and the award-winning chocolate gelato studded with figs is unforgettable. Other flavors to try are the ricotta cheese with pears or pistachios, honey, melon, strawberry, and the uncommon laurel leaf gelato with almonds. Via Ferruccio, 27 Кастеллина-ин-Кьянти,. Il Fondaccio is located right in the center of Castellina in Chianti, in a 13th century cantina originally used as stable and remodelled in A cart laden with antipasti such as local cold cuts and cheeses is on offer, along with pizza baked in a wood-burning oven. Tables set out in front on the pietra serena pavement are shaded by big market umbrellas and make a pleasant place to dine in summertime. Via Matteotti, 8 Капри, From the veranda of this restaurant guests have a marvellous view of the Faraglioni and the ornate gardens of Caesar Augustus. Built on the rocky cliff edge and brimming with fabulous Mediterranean flowers and shrubs, Il Geranio serves elegant cuisine inspired by Neapolitan traditions. Reservations recommended at dinner. Ulica Bana Jelacica Сплит, Inspired by the Italian delicatessen concept, owner and founder Diana Jelesak lived in Sicily for over 10 years before returning to her home town of Split. The store is half deli, half tasting station for the finest cheeses, prosciutto the kind the president of Croatia dines on , wines and olive oils. Located on the Riva in the center of town, this is a must-visit for lovers of gourmet delights. Situated in the upper town away from the lake, this osteria in an 18th century stone house has a pleasant courtyard and portico in which to dine in nice weather. They propose local recipes revisted in an creative vein - lake fish, local cheeses and handmade, fresh pasta are the mainstays of the menu, and the bread basket has to be seen to be believed! Service is attentive and the staff takes great pride in all that they do. Via del Teatro, 22 Монтепульчано, This cheerful osteria serves fresh pasta and meat from local farms. Try the pici al ragu in a long-simmered meat sauce of either goose or wild boar, or the thick vegetable soup with spelt and porcini mushrooms. Via Valverde, 95 Рагуза, This cozy restaurant in the heart of Ragusa Ibla serves traditional Sicilian and Slovakian! Generous portions can be found from the hefty antipasto platter, all the way to the homemade desserts like apple strudel. Daily specials are listed on the blackboard outside the restaurant, including an abundant, 4-course, fixed-price meal. Dinner only. Overlooking the Strait of Messina, this well-run restaurant offers elevated Sicilian dishes, and some of the freshest fish you can find! With a location directly on the water, the view cannot be beat. Виареджо, Located just outside of Brolo, La Quercia serves up traditional Sicilian cuisine, with hearty pastas and fresh fish. Set on a higher elevation, the terrace offers a lovely view of the sea. A meal here in autumn is an experience you will never forget: an antipasto of porcini mushrooms fixed all ways carpaccio, grilled, etc. Sensole, 22, Monte Isola Monte Isola, Located about a 20 minutes from Peschiera Maraglio on Monte Isola, and down a flight of steps toward the lake, is a hidden gem of a restaurant. Lunch or dinner can be accompanied by wine from the surrounding Franciacorta hills. Этот популярный ресторан имеет два отдельных помещения. Более простая и неофициальная пиццерия предлагает по меньшей мере с десяток видов домашней пасты и пиццы. Высококлассный ресторан с винным баром находится наверху. Здесь в современной минималистской обстановке вам предложат блюда итальянской и тихоокеанской кухни: например, спагетти, обжаренные в воке. Обязательно посетите магазин посуды и библиотеку, которые также относятся к ресторану. Это интересно. Via Maffia, 31r Флоренция, It has now been transformed into a little bit of Naples in the Oltrarno. Full of atmosphere, huge Neapolitan angels fly overhead and garlands of tomatoes are draped from the walls. Come here for a cocktail at their stylish bar and follow up with a genuine Naples-style pizza or calzone made in a wood-burning pizza oven; there are dozens of toppings to choose from. Not in the mood for pizza? Seafood pasta and fresh fish are on the menu, too, and the desserts are divine. Via Cappuccio, 7 Милан, Via Cappuccio is a street where you can peek at the wonderful courtyards hidden behind the palace facades. Not to be missed is the courtyard of N. In the 15th century it was a convent, restored in ; ask the caretaker to let you inside. This a place you can stumble upon as you explore the back streets and alley ways of the Latin Quarter. The red facade will draw you into this cozy, postage stamp-sized bar filled with neighborhood locals and university students. The specialty is sangria, but beer and wine can be indulged in as you settle in at the bar and watch Paris unfold. Vintage yellowed posters cover the walls from floor to ceiling. Corso Como, 10 Милан, Along with her artist partner Kris Ruhs, she has collected together under one roof all her favorite things, picked up on her globe-trotting forays around the world. Clothes and accessories for men and women, home design and beauty items are on the ground floor of this vast store, while books and music can be found upstairs. Afterwards, recover from your splurge in the attractive conservatory, which has a bar and restaurant. Via E. Tazzoli, 3 Милан, Bargain hunters will love the 10 Corso Como Outlet store, only a 5 minute walk from the flagship store. Worth a look before max out your credit card at the main store! They also make ice cream cakes, popsicles, granite perfect on a hot summer day and ice cream sandwiches. Ресторан 13 Gobbi '13 горбунов' - по итальянским приметам горбун приносит счастье имеет очаровательный внутренний дворик - здесь вам предложат изысканные блюда тосканской кухни. Острое мясо peposo тушат на огне в течение нескольких часов с вином и черным перцем. Вегетарианцам обязательно понравятся баклажаны с пармезаном. Невероятно вкусны десерты - попробуйте домашний чизкейк! Мы рекомендуем заранее забронировать столик по электронной почте. In the 15eme arrondissement, with a veranda and a view of the Eiffel Tower, is this crepe restaurant that lives up to its name. They boast a stylish, contemporary decor and good service, and the menu features crepes, sandwiches made with Poilane bread, salads, and ice cream. Via degli Uffici del Vicario, 31 Рим, The restaurant of the Hotel Nazionale is only a few steps from Montecitorio so expect to find a lot of politicians among your fellow diners who come here to enjoy the classic Italian cuisine. Dominka bb Дубровник, Set within the great walls of Dubrovnik itself, overlooking the port with stunning views and stylish atmosphere, the creatively presented food, stylish lounge bar, extraordinary wine cellar, top service and first class ambiance will leave you and your honorable guests simply amazed. Enjoy before or after dinner drinks in the newly renovated lounge bar offering wide variety of cocktails and friendly service. Piazza della Passera, 1 Флоренция, It is served plain or, in season, studded with artichokes and it is addictive! They also have a small menu of vegan and organic food featuring Italian-influenced dishes from India, the Middle East and Italy itself, as well as a non-vegetarian option of organic cold cuts such as prosciutto even the wine and beer is organic! Reasonably priced with very personal, sincere customer service. Cash only. Divided among two dining rooms and a patio, the restaurant offers classics like marinara and margherita, but also seasonal pizzas such as zucchini pesto with prosciutto, or one topped with squash blossoms and Nero Casertano salami. The White Calzone, a crescent filled with cured pork, ricotta and smoked provolone, is a year-round fixture that should not be missed! But music is not the only reason the place is always packed: the quality of the food and drinks is high. Via Boccaccio, 24 Чертальдо Альто, Stop in for lunch or an afternoon snack of coccoli fritters with prosciutto and soft stracchino cheese, washed down with a glass of local wine. Both the young chef and the equally young sommelier trained at La Bitta nella Pergola, the gourmet restaurant formerly in this spot. The menu features well-prepared dishes such as roasted branzino sea bass that is thickly sliced and served skin-up with diced potatoes, tiny black olives and fresh dill. Great selection of Ligurian wines; open for dinner only. An elegant but welcoming place where you can enjoy the creative dishes of a female chef who lightens up and reinterprets the sometimes heavy local cuisine. It fills up fast with local gourmets so reservations are recommended in the evenings. An antipasto of bruschetta al pomodoro, bresaola, anchovies, caprese salad or smoked fish carpaccio gives you something to munch on with the wine. They make sandwiches, too, and more substantial hot dishes are served on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. These three tiny electric buses - the 'letter buses' marked C1, C2 and C3 - provide a scenic tour of the historic center for only 1,10 euro. Hop off and walk through the surrounding park, or just stay onboard and do the whole thing in reverse your ticket is valid for 75 minutes. The brick-valuted room of this restaurant is the setting for tasty dishes featuring mushrooms from the forests of Madonie mountains or their speciality, fusilli maialino nero, funghi porcini e finocchetto selvatico fusilli pasta with a sauce made from pork, porcini mushrooms and wild fennel. Via Fatebenefratelli, 16 Милан, Caraceni was founded in Rome in by the father of Italian tailoring, Domenico Caraceni, and cognoscenti consider A. Caraceni to be the best of the Milan branches. These exquisite suits are what is known as 'bench bespoke,' meaning they are made one at a time, by hand, to a pattern specifically drawn for each individual customer. Only the best fabrics are used at this traditional atelier where an appointment is needed to be measured for a custom-made suit. Calata Ponticello a Marechiaro, 23, Napoli Неаполь, It has a splendid view of the Gulf of Naples and a panoramic terrace for fine weather dining. Trendy spot serving modern Mediterranean cuisine in a restored Renaissance mansion. Downstairs is a jazz club, upstairs are three eye stopping penthouses for rent. Restaurant open for dinner only. This is a wonderful Benedictine abbey complex located near Brescia. Inside the monastery there is an antique book restoration laboratory and, following ancient recipes, a few monks still produce herbal liqueurs. If you feel like stepping back in time, visit the only seven Augustinian monks living in this 12th century abbey. Organ concerts are also held here in July and August. Between Camogli and Portofino, a deep inlet along the indented coastline of the promontory of Portofino is home to the famous abbey of San Fruttuoso di Capodimonte in the intact fishing village of the same name. There are two equally scenic ways to reach the abbey at San Fruttuoso: by land or by sea: boats embark on the minute trip at regular intervals from Camogli, Portofino, S. Margherita and Rapallo. Corso del Popolo, Гроттаферрата, The monastery of San Nilo lies at the cultural core of Grottaferrata. Founded in , Byzantine-Greco liturgical practices are still carried out here today. The Abegg Silk Museum is housed in a 17th century silk mill on Lake Garlate, a few miles south of Lake Como, in a beautiful site surrounded by mulberry trees. Opened in by the Abeggs, Swiss manufacturers who wanted to hand down the instruments and techniques created for silk industry throughout the centuries, the museum has a rich collection. Visitors can follow the main production steps: worm breeding, cocoon unwinding and silk twisting; there is also a weaving room. The museum is open from Tuesday-Sunday, but individuals can visit only on the weekends. Сансеполькро, Aboca is an internationally-known firm that cultivates 70 percent of its own product on 1, acres of organic herb farms in the Valtiberina right outside Sansepolcro. These include hand painted majolica pharmacy jars, glass beakers, scales, amulets and other curious items such as animal skeletons and even a mummified crocodile from the Indies that measures more than two meters long! Viale Tiberio, 11 Borgo S. Giuliano Римини, Its named for the two red maples in the courtyard. Open only for dinner except for Sundays and holidays. Via Sandro Cabassi, 67 Модена, The tiny Acetaia di Giorgio is located under the roof of the old house of the 14 brothers and sisters in the Barbieri family, just at few kilometers from the center of Modena. The tour starts up in the attic, with a series of increasingly-smaller wooden barrels where the vinegar is aged for at least 12 years. It concludes with a tasting of different varieties of this rich, syrupy liquid. Via Vignolese, Модена, As you can imagine, this precious liquid figures in many of the recipes served at this charming place. After your meal you can arrange to tour the acetaia which is right nearby in via A. Pica by appointment, weekdays only; call or cell ph. Lungomare degli Eroi Отранто,. With a panoramic terrace overlooking the port, this restaurant serves local pugliese dishes and seafood. Via della Vigna Vecchia, 40r Флоренция, An extremely popular restaurant due to its inexpensive but high quality menu. American study abroad students are frequent diners here but Select Italy clients have raved about the food, too. The favorites are 'Assaggi di Primi' a sampler of five different pastas a meal in itself and the balsamic steak. In Florence, it stays open till 1 a. Serves dinner only; reservations recommended. This hamman Turkish bath in the center of Rome was created from a medieval brick storehouse. There are separate hours for men, woman and couples who want to enjoy the cleansing benefits of this ancient ritual in a tranquil and beautiful setting. These hot, sulphurous waters have now been pumped into a series of outdoor and indoor swimming pools to create Acquaria at the Virgilio Spa Complex. The outdoor pool offers breathtaking views of Lake Garda, as well as separate hot tubs for various types of hydro-massage. Inside is an area for mud treatments and a cardio-vascular tub. A bar serves drinks, sandwiches and salads and, on summer evenings in July and August, a concert series is offered. On the main drag of this lakeside town is this pretty place where Umbrian ingredients are combined in creative ways. Try the stracci con luccio e tartufi hnadmade patsa with a sauce of truffles and pike and the perch with lake shrimp. Ponte Spinola, Porto Antico Генуя, Built in the shape of a huge ship and 'docked' in the Porto Antico, it contains more than 6, marine animals representing different species. Health food might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Bologna 'La Grassa' but you can find it at this vegetarian and vegan restaurant that serves only organically-grown food purchased from small, local producers. Fondamenta Manin, 48 - Murano Венеция,. Chef Caterina Nason focuses on simple preparations of seafood, including a buttery and perfectly briny spaghetti alle vongole; crispy orata sea bream , baked in the oven with potatoes; and tagliolini with squid. Open only for lunch, with the exception of Friday when dinner is also served. Via Fatebenefratelli, 15 Милан, AD56 is the place where Lapo Elkann, the style-obsessed Fiat heir, orders his custom-made shirts. These hand-sewn, button-down shirts are sturdy and beautifully made; they define what is best about Milanese style. The shop sells ties and accessories, too, as well as a few items for women. Grotta Azzurra Anacapri Анакапри, This is a family-owned restaurant in Anacapri with a shady vine covered terrace overlooking the sea and the Blue Grotto. There is direct access to the sea down two ramps of stairs, and the sea is where all the products served here come from: only the freshest fish and seafood are served in a incomparable setting of great beauty. Via Stufan, 5 Ортизеи, Reserve a table at one of the two restaurants at this 5-star spa hotel, the Balance and the Main. They offer a blend of light Mediterranean fare prepared using fresh, seasonal produce with the traditional dishes of South Tyrol, resulting in a healthy and delicious gourmet cuisine that promotes wellbeing of body and soul. Uvala Baluni bb Сплит, Serving a selection of traditional Dalmatian dishes and the best of French cuisine, this is the place where locals come to celebrate special occasions. Try their 'nedovrseni strudel' for an unparalleled dessert experience. Carrarina Poljana, 4 Сплит, The family who run this place ensures that all their fish and shellfish are caught daily. You can have oysters as they are, or in a tempura sauce, and follow it up with the excellent sushi and sashimi. All the food goes wonderfully with a chilled Croatian white wine. The service is friendly and professional and the setting is absolutely divine, with views of the cathedral from its outdoor tables. Choose between tempura, sushi or even something more local such as cheese and prosciutto. Этот замечательный ресторан назван в честь его владельцев - Ромео и Агаты. Посетителям предлагают оригинальные блюда из традиционных римских ингредиентов, например: пасту с брокколи и цветной капустой или медальоны из тунца в кунжуте и кисло-сладком соусе. На десерт попробуйте слоеный пирог Millefoglie с миндалем и взбитыми сливками по рецепту Агаты. Очень хороший выбор вин. Trecastagni, Refined cooking and excellent service are the hallmarks of this one-star Michelin restaurant right outside Udine. It is the best place in town to try creative specialties like goose fois gras marinated in Verduzzo wine or a soup of spring herbs with red mullet. Reservations recommended. Agricantus is one of the liveliest places in Palermo. It attracts people of all ages and you never know what might be happening here on the night of your visit - maybe classical music, jazz, pop or even theater. A good place to spend a night out on the town in a city not known for its nightlife. Nocciola gelato uses only hazelnuts from the nearby Langhe, while pistachio nuts from Bronte in Sicily are flown in for the pistachio flavor. Worth a detour! The owner produces Valpolicella, Amarone and Recioto wine in the cellar underneath the dining room and you can still see grapes drying on traditional wooden racks in the backyard. Dishes include homemade focaccia with salumi, gnocchi di malga mountain-style gnocchi , fresh pasta with duck sauce, grilled pork sausages and home-baked cakes studded with Amarone raisins. Average price is about 15 euro per person, including wine, and reservations are highly recommended. The restaurant of the Agriturismo Il Cucchiaio di Legno 'wooden spoon' at Legro above Lake Orta provides a really special gastronomic experience at an incredibly low price. The handwritten menu offers delights like seafood risotto, salami and cheeses from the local valleys and home-grown produce from their farm. The desserts are homemade, too, and the wines are all from Piedmont. Open Thursday through Sunday only; reservations recommended. Agriturismo Malvarina, a few kilometers from Assisi, is a great place to enjoy wholesome Italian food and wine in front of a roaring fire for only 30 euros per head. Claudio and his mother, Maria, are your genial hosts and most of the produce they serve comes direct from the farm. Finish your meal a glass or two of 'centerbe' - a liqueur made from 'one hundred herbs. Localit Доргали , Situated between a lake and mountains, among the uncontaminated natural wonders of Dorgali province, is this agriturismo of acres where guests can experience the typical flora and fauna of the region. Those visiting the agritursimo have the opportunity to see how fresh pecorino cheese and ricotta is made, and eat local products such as cured meats, cheeses, bread, and honey accompanied by their homemade wine. This small, rustic restaurant in the countryside not far from the resort of Villasimius is well-known for their 'porcheddu,' or traditional spit roast suckling pig. Dinner is an abundant set price menu with four courses and wine included. A wonderful spot for meat, in an area full of fish and seafood locales. Reservations essential. Turri is famous throughout the island for its saffron fields and you can purchase it at Su Massaiu, along with organic produce including dry land cultivated melons, dried lentils, almonds, vegetables and jams grown right on the farm. A saffron festival is held in Turri the 2nd Sunday in November. Via Gaidello, 18 Кастельфранко-Эмилия, Reservations required. Via San Giovanni, 19 Рагуза, This sophisticated teahouse in Ragusa Superiore is the perfect place to stop for refreshment in the afternoon or evening. A careful selection of 45 teas, along with wine and beer, is offered while appetizers and desserts, made with ingredients from local producers, round out the menu. Open only for lunch except from Thursday-Saturday. Ресторан 'Аи Фаральони' - чудесное место, где столики расположены под соломенными навесами, увитыми душистой глицинией. Здесь вам предложат традиционные амальфитанские угощения: лингвини с омаром, блинчики с морепродуктами, ризотто, запеченную или приготовленную на гриле рыбу, а также широкий ассортимент мясных блюд, например - пасту паппарделле широкие макароны с мясом кролика под соусом. Ресторан пользуется большой популярностью, поэтому столики необходимо заказывать заранее. Dorsoduro , S. Vio Венеция, Sick of fish? Then this is the place to come: meat dishes and food from the mainland are menu mainstays here. Feast on filetto di maiale con castraure pork fillet with baby artichokes , duck breast with apple and sweet onion, or more traditional dishes from the Veneto hills such as horse meat, wild game, gnocchi and polenta. The wine list is above average in quality and variety. Corso del Rinascimento, 72 Рим, The Tre Fontane three fountains Abbey is located in a small valley on the ancient Laurentina way, and has been producing chocolate for over years. The most ancient name of this area is Acque Salvie where the factory is located - the name has been linked to the lush and healthy water springs, still to be found today. Other products from Italian monasteries can also be purchased in this charming, wood paneled shop right off the Piazza Navona that dates back to Барбара и Давид упрявляют этой уютной остерией, расположенной в окрестностях Кампо-Сан-Барнаба, с большим вниманием к местным традициям. Меню предлагаемых морепродуктов небольшое, но оно составляется каждый день, в зависимости от утреннего улова. Завершите трапезу бокалом сладкого десертного вина Fragolino с венецианским печеньем. Кредитные карты не принимаются. Via Torcelli, 22 Финальборго,. This tiny osteria is tucked away in a side street just off one of the large piazzas of this charming medieval village. Antipasti consist of a selection of traditional farinata, torta pasqualina and torta verde baked in a wood-fired oven - delicious and filling; enough for a light meal. The service is friendly and helpful. Via dei SS. Quattro, 30 Рим, A high-quality restaurant near the touristy Colosseum is a pleasant surprise. Ai Tre Scalini serves creative Mediterranean cuisine; their pasta dishes include small saffron gnocchi with squid and artichokes, and an unusual but delicious radicchio and cheese-stuffed zagnolotti small ravioli in lobster sauce. For your second course, try the savory loin of lamb with bacon in a wild berry sauce. Outdoor tables are available during nice weather. Piazza S. Oliva, 10 Палермо,. A rustic but elegant restaurant in the center of Palermo where you can dine on the creative seafood dishes prepared by chefs Maurizio and Laura. Good wine cellar of predominantly Sicilian wines. Reserve a table outside in Piazza Oliva. Castello di lamole, via di lamole Греве-ин-Кьянти,. A trattoria installed inside the walls of the historic castle of Lamole, which dates from the year Rounding out this trio is Chef Stefano Lisci who proposes an array of traditional dishes using the freshest ingredients of both the Chianti and Lucchese regions. Dinner only except for Sunday lunch. Catanians of all ages flock here on weekend evenings, drawn by the excellent pizzas, the draft beer and the relaxed atmosphere. Grab a table in the outdoor courtyard, with its banana trees and overhanging silk tapestries. Open for dinner only. San Daniele is synonymous with prosciutto and the whole hams with the trotter still attached are a familar sight around town. So are the prosciutterie where you can taste the fine hams produced in the almost 30 factories here. Al Baccaro serves prosciutto from the Coradazzi factory in a large glass-walled room with a view of the mountains. Depending on the season, the ham is accompanied by fresh pineapple, kiwi, figs or melon, and they also serve excellent burrata cheese from Puglia and grilled vegetables. In nice weather you can eat outside. Cozy little restaurant where you can taste the traditional seafood dishes of Trieste like risotto ai frutti di mare, laden with tiny shrimp and squid from the Gulf of Trieste, and the house frittura mista, a heaping plate of delicately fried fish and seafood. Excellent wine list and cordial service. Since this famous stationary store in the heart of Bologna has sold fine pens, papers, desk sets, briefcases and leather goods to a discerning clientele. A good place to get personal or business cards printed in a variety of type faces; they also print and design wedding invitations. At this restaurant right outside Mantua, tables are set out on the banks of the river Mincio, and you dine in a decidedly romantic atmosphere. Products typical of the region - frogs, fresh water fish, rice and farmyard animals like rabbit or chicken - are the basis of the cuisine. Some dishes hark back to the culinary tradition of the princely court in Mantua or to Jewish tradition. Finish your meal with any one of a number of exquisite desserts, like a focaccia of almonds and hazelnuts accompanied by fruit marinated in balsamic vinegar and Moscato sherbet. Piazza della Consolata, 5 Турин,. This historic cafe in the center of Turin opened its doors in and all the charm of the 18th century is retained in its decor of dark wood, mirrors and period lighting. Order a bicchierino literally, 'little glass' , an addictive mixture of chocolate, coffee and whipped cream served in a not-so-little glass. These same ingredients are used in the torta bicerin, a sinfully rich cake. This is the land of the prized red Lamon bean but meat eaters will enjoy the mountain game deer, chamois and roe deer , cooked to perfection by the kitchen staff led by Renato De Salvador and Flora Battiston. This is home cooking at its best and the setting, a stupendous villa with 18th century wrought-iron balconies, is unforgettable. Riva Nazario Sauro, 22 Триест, The self-service antipasto bar is a great way to sample a selection of Triestine specialties. The sidewalk tables facing the port are perfect for summer dining. Via del Pellegrino, 51 Рим, Many of the dishes include dollops of goat cheese, herbed cheese or French Brie, flavors that enhance the taste of every wine. The beef filet Strogonoff with Barolo sauce and Parmesan shavings is delicious. Serves dinner only; the lively happy hour from pm is a nice time to stop in for a drink. For a glass of wine or a light lunch in a historic setting, go to Al Brindisi right next to the Duomo. The owner, Federico Pellegrini, offers tasting menus in honor of such luminaries as Benvenuto Cellini, Ludovico Ariosto, Tiziano Vecellio and Torquato Tasso, all of whom were guests of this osteria. Via Agnello, 19 Милан, Try the cannoli or a selection of mini-tarts filled with fresh fruit. They serve gelato, too, in traditional Sicilian flavors like gelso mulberry and cedro citron. Check out the collection of drawings and lithographs by Renato Guttoso in the back room. Вебсайт использует файлы 'cookies'. By continuing to use this site you are giving consent to cookies being used. For more information please view our privacy policy. Я согласен. Select Italy - Все для путешествий по Италии. Войти Корзина 0. Меню Корзина Поиск. Войти Создать аккаунт Экскурсии Экскурсии. Кухня и вина. Все музеи. Все театры. Все типы проживания. Частный шофер Воспользуйтесь удобными услугами пассажирских перевозок. Прокат автомобиля Постоянные цены и система онлайн бронирования. Я являюсь турагентом. Главная Избранное. Evandro Rovigo S. Antuono di Torchiara Sal? Рекомендации Список. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Last Supper Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Lungomare Дресс-код: отсутствует. Antuono di Torchiara, Телефон: ; Вебсайт: Email: gelateria. Ближайшие достопримечательности: 9 kms. Ближайшие достопримечательности: historic center Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Gardens of Augustus Дресс-код: неофициальный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Riva Promenade Дресс-код: отсутствует. Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ресторан Ristorante Veneziano SS. Ресторан Ristorante Vittoria Loc. Ближайшие достопримечательности: historic center Дресс-код: неофициальный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Пьяцца-дель-Пополо Дресс-код: неофициальный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Uffizi Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Oltrarno Дресс-код: неофициальный. Via Cappuccio, 7 Милан, Время: Always open during the day. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Latin Quarter Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Garibaldi train station Дресс-код: отсутствует. Tazzoli, 3 Милан, Телефон: Вебсайт: Email: shop 10corsocomo. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Санта-Мария-Новелла Дресс-код: неофициальный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: nearest metro stop: Charles Michel or Dupleix Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ресторан degrees by Jeffrey Vella Sv. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Old Town Дресс-код: неофициальный элегантный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Pitti Palace Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: harbor of Mergellina Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Piazza San Marco Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Foce Дресс-код: отсутствует. Дресс-код: неофициальный элегантный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: train station Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Historic Center Дресс-код: неофициальный. Шоппинг A. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Posillipo Дресс-код: неофициальный элегантный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Duomo Дресс-код: отсутствует. P: Добавить Удалить Детали Ближайшие достопримечательности: Телефон: Время: Open daily till PM. Ближайшие достопримечательности: 7 miles S. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Monte di Portofino Дресс-код: отсутствует. Guided visits Saturday and Sunday at PM. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Castelli Romani, 21 kms. Ближайшие достопримечательности: 7 kms. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Ponte di Tiberio Дресс-код: неофициальный элегантный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Via Emilia Ovest Дресс-код: отсутствует. Via Vignolese, Модена, Телефон: Факс: Ближайшие достопримечательности: 7 Kms. From Modena zona San Donnino Дресс-код: неофициальный. Dinner only on Mondays. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Piazza della Signoria Дресс-код: неофициальный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: right outside the historic center, in the Colombare zone Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Lake Trasimeno Дресс-код: неофициальный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Porto Antico Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: surrounding islands Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Blue Grotto Дресс-код: неофициальный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: церковь Санта-Мария-Маджоре Дресс-код: неофициальный элегантный. Trecastagni, Телефон: ; Вебсайт: Email: ciro levignebiondi. Ближайшие достопримечательности: 6 kms. Ближайшие достопримечательности: fish market Дресс-код: отсутствует. The bar of the Agor. Ближайшие достопримечательности: 18 miles from Turin Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Lake Orta Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: 5 kms. Ближайшие достопримечательности: 15 minutes by car from the Golfo di Orosei Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: 47 kms. SE of Cagliari Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: halfway between Bologna and Modena Дресс-код: неофициальный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Ragusa Superiore Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ресторан Ai Gondolieri Dorsoduro , S. Ближайшие достопримечательности: flea market Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Accademia Дресс-код: неофициальный элегантный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Кампо-Сан-Барнаба Дресс-код: неофициальный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: 3 kms. Oliva, 10 Палермо, P: Cell. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Colosseum Дресс-код: неофициальный. Oliva, 10 Палермо, Телефон: Cell. Дресс-код: неофициальный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: historic center near Via Crociferi Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: on the road to Rodeano Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: historic center, on the corner of Via Cadorna Дресс-код: неофициальный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Piazza Cavour Дресс-код: отсутствует. Ближайшие достопримечательности: 16 kms. Ближайшие достопримечательности: near the Parco Nazionale delle Dolomiti Bellunesi Дресс-код: неофициальный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Molo Pescheria Дресс-код: неофициальный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Piazza Navona Дресс-код: неофициальный элегантный. Ближайшие достопримечательности: Duomo Дресс-код: неофициальный. Войдите в аккаунт чтобы сохранить список. Экскурсии Исторические экскурсии Религиозно-познавательные туры Туры для всей семьи Морские путешествия Эксклюзивные туры Шоп-туры Археологические туры Классические туры по городам Прогулки на лодках и гондолах Кухня и вина Кухня и вина Винные дегустации Кулинарные туры Эксклюзивные предложения. Карта сайта. Вебсайт использует файлы 'cookies' By continuing to use this site you are giving consent to cookies being used.

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