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The algorithm is subject to change in future. Subscribe to organize reviews of the company into easy-to-read list. You can view followed brands in your profile. It does take time and learning for success when applied. For instance, every bit of education you obtain is a long term investment within yourself regardless if it for your business or your current situation. In other words, he has a genuine openness to help anyone achieve their life long dreams if they are willing to work for it in the e-commerce business. We only marvel at the results! You see, we sometimes are critical to their results not seeing the days, months and even years on their path to success. My experience is that we all have our very own journey, and circumstances are sure to come! I can recall when I decided to take on these courses as a student. Chris kindly ask me the same questions and then told me these very words and I would quote! Then you should be fine! Enough for me, I am all in! Again, for most of us, we would say tomorrow instant riches! Today in our new generation and society we take technology and want every now! Everyone would like to have their cake and pie to eat without waiting for the best ingredients to take time to marinate together for success so to speak. For me, in my current profession, federal employee with great responsibilities the time element was going to be my greatest challenge. We all have circumstances and not to mention, and my son is living with Autism. In my life, I come to call these situations 'So What' problems. Our creator places them there for a reason and in my humble opinion, to draw us near him for love and his help through these situations. You owe it to yourself to learn everything, and it is an investment into your very own future. The truth is, e-commerce is no different than any other business or profession for that matter when learning and hard work is involved. When you think about it, the real battle is being played right between our ear loaves. My heart goes out to you on the event of hurricane Harvey. Please pick up where you left off and get back into the game of life with us all. My wife is Asian, so I can quote Confucius, 'A journey of a thousand steps begins with the first step'! Join us again; see how this story ends. It is your story! Chris Malta is the very essence of integrity, honesty, ethical and credible as a business owner-teacher. Remember, I am a federal employee with benefits beyond your imagination! He has my confidence and should not have received this blunder of feedback. You took such a precise effort in trying to ruin such an excellent person reputation. Do the right thing and apologize and then comment back the truth. All is forgiven, to make a point. This deformation could have been an ugly legal battle if you knew my stance from my employer! Give Chris a call and apologize, you are wrong! Better yet, comment back on your post and on up on it the right way! In one chapter he mentioned website Worldwide Brands as trustworthy place to look for suppliers for someones business. I checked it out and created account. I am using Worldwide Brands since then and I have only positive experience. They always delivered what they promised. Big mistake. I learned a lot on the way and finally last year I found way back to Chris and his ecommerce training. I did not want to believe it at that time and was looking for shortcuts. Now I am student of Chris and I can see what steps I skipped in past. Now I can see why my business never really took off to become 'free'. We all have lives where nothing always happens the way we want. Few weeks ago a guy hit my car when I was driving my pregnant wife to work. We are fine, but I was not able to work on my business for some time. Things happen. But the persistence is the key. I want to add one more thing. Before I purchased the course, I actually talked to Chris over the phone for an hour or so. He described exactly what I am doing wrong with my current website and why I am not getting sales, etc. He answered all my questions about the course, he described everything I will have to spend money for and how much. I am in the course now and everything Chris told me before the purchase is right. If someone wants to achieve something - and it does not matter what it is - one have to find the ways, not excuses. I would also like to comment regarding the complaint made against Chris. He has always been straightforward, and frankly, a 'breath of fresh air' in the ECommerce world. I became a student of Chris and EBiz Foundations a couple of months ago. I am currently an active seller, but I want to expand my business to my own website. In fact, he told me that the courses would take TIME, possibly twelve months or more, depending on the person. I knew there was video training involved, but that is just a smaller part of the whole course. There is much more information and training involved. They would design it for you You need to learn all of this for yourself, so YOU can be in total control of your own destiny! To anyone out there that may be reading this First things first. Chris is always honest and upfront. When I met Chris and talked to him about me potentially starting his course, I realized right then and there that this was going to be a long ride but then I also knew that I have made several mistakes in the past while trying to start a 'get rich quick' type of business, I new this was the right type of business to do because I never felt this was an easy or short path to take and definitely had a the legalities it needed to get a solid foundation for my business but most important because I was never lied to and have always been told the truth about every process. I totally disagree with this comment from this unknown person and feel sorry for you Chris that even though you have been so honest with your teaching , you receive such feedback. Just a brief about my ecommerce journey, I have been into 6 different mentors before joining Chris and wasted my 1 year with those 6 scammers as they only taught me how to learn FB marketing and sell stuff dropshipping from Aliexpress, a total waste. Regarding the Lynda training course that he refers, its a real learning. The easiest thing in life according to me is getting a job. I just ran across this lengthy anonymous post. Of course, though, I had to respond. In the end, all you can really do is shake your head and sigh. Go to my site, ChrisMalta. Look around. Read my Blog. Listen to my Podcast. Which means that his post itself is misleading. He did not. He paid FAR less than that. He needed QuickBooks Online to run his Accounting. Those two things are needed by ANY business owner who wants to start a site online. Unfortunately, he mis-characterizes THAT company as well sensing a pattern here? That site has all kinds of excellent Example Files and Practice Files that go with all their video software training. You just have to take a little time to download and use them. He just focused on complaining about the time it took him to learn certain software, which is a very small fraction of what we teach. I contacted Chris. He informed me that too much time has elapsed to resume the course, but I may restart at the beginning of course section Section 10 is the beginning of Market Research, which is figuring out what to sell. In other words, I was trying to help him, not hurt him. And he knew that at the time, because I know I explained it to him and he acknowledged that he understood. I still have the emails. The local municipal colleges and career schools are more cost effective; they are accredited, technologically current, staffed with distinguished teachers, and provide all the resources you will need for their courses, during and after. And there is never a discrepancy of course time-line and or content and expense. The fact is that colleges do NOT teach start-to-finish, practical application build as you learn education tracks in Ecommerce. Had I seen the syllabus, or, had I known the full extent of time, resources, and expenses associated with this course, I would not have signed up for it in the first place. Again, not true. I specifically stated those things to him when he started, as I do with everyone. Most people I teach understand that good things come to those who work for them. Some people just get beaten down by tragedy in their lives and become angry at the world. I actually do remember him calling me after Harvey and telling me what happened. I commiserated with him and told him I would be there for him when he was ready to come back. I was. If taking out some frustration by trying to hurt me and my company in a seriously misleading post like the one he wrote is one of the things he thought would take his mind off his troubles, so be it. Chris, I applaud your standing up for yourself I found this article while doing my due diligence as I am a retired computer professional and have always been interested in having my own business. There are so many scammers out there today You are the first Ebiz person to say it like it is Having taken many technical courses myself.. Let me finish with one last point I remember him being a very nice older gentleman who was committed to his work, and I remember him doing very well with it. When he initially came back to me 3 years after losing his home to Hurricane Harvey, he had NO complaints about the education. I think that if he HAD understood that, he never would have posted this complaint, and simply would have discussed his concerns with me instead, as he had every chance to do. In fact, anyone who has any questions regarding this issue should feel free to call my direct phone line at I just listened to Mr. I just want to know how much it costs. Home Courses and Trainings Chris Malta 4. Chris Malta Reviews and Complaints. Is this your company? Submit review. Rating Details. Reviews 0. Rating Details Additional Fees. Advertised vs Delivered. Customer service. Price Affordability. Product or Service Quality. Scholarship, Grants and Programs. My husband and I took the E-biz courses together and from start to launch it took us a little less than 2 years. We are older so learning was a challenge, I will admit. But Chris stood by us, answering our calls and questions whenever we needed teaching and interpretation of the course studies. We were never deceived about the length of time. Chris was never misleading about that! In conclusion, I feel Chris was born to teach. His patience, willingness to help on a weekend, holiday or late evening and his genuinely honest persona is what made us stick with him during difficult times. The answer is obvious. This man who lost everything also lost his soul, which is very sad. Shame on you. Chris is a good man, a great human being and has worked hard to build his business, NOT through deceit and over-compensation, but in a refreshingly honest approach to teaching what he has learned over 40 years. Any student of his is lucky to have access to his knowledge and expertise. View full review. Comment 9 2. Pros Personal attention with each student. Cons Completion time. Reason of review Good quality. Share Share Tweet. I too feel for this guy, losing all in a hurricane. Very devastating. However, in spite of all that, he did come back to restart his course. After two years it should be a little out of date. What I think is that he was not or ever was ready to continue or finish the course because this course is really detailed and difficult. You need to be in a focused frame of mind. I know from my experience in the online business world that there are many more scams than legit courses out there. Six months wasted there. Because I was only told what to do and not why. Anyway, I digress. Let me say that EBiz Foundations is a soup to nuts course that everyone in the ecommerce business should consider before jumping into the fray. Anyone worth their salt in the ecommerce, online business does say that there is no quick or easy way to be successful. This is definitely not for everyone. Just for the ones who are willing to work hard and long to achieve their goals. I know you can feel overwhelmed and discouraged at times. I have and still do at times. Maybe this guy is feeling that too. He got to section 41, more than half way. He only needed a week of review and refresh, and he would be on track again. What a shame he misunderstood that he only had to do one chapter over again. Starting any business costs a lot of money and time. The point is, if you believe it, it will happen. This guy needs to own his decision to quit and not continue. Nobody else is to blame. He knew the rules going in. He will never know what could be. Comment 1 0. Anonymous Jesse Williams Mar 14, Reply 2 0. I believe in Chris Chris Malta review. Discounts and Special Offers. Exchange, Refund and Cancellation Policy. I completely disagree with the bad comments about the eBuz education course from Chris Malta. I have taken the courses and believe Chris to be an honest man trying to help online retailers educated about the business. Any business, I mean any business requires long working hours and dedication to see results. Not everyone is fit for ecommerce, the learning curse is great and demanding. Chris is a good man. Comment 0 0. Anonymous Lukas Komarek Mar 12, Reply 3 0. Pros I love working with chris. Tags Ecommerce Training. Rating Details Advertised vs Delivered. Are You contemplating an online presence? Or, maybe, none of the above. But for whatever reason, private or public, you want an online presence, and you decided to have a web site developed. You now think about the resources to accomplish this. You evaluated your own skills in the area of website development, and if current, no big deal, you just carry on to the end and invite your friends to the launch of your site. It is like you want to build a house, a dream house, if you are an architect and or builder, you just commit your thoughts to paper in the form of a diagram blue print , and from that diagram you make a realistic estimate of materials, land, labor, and time. You might even supervise the actual operation to make sure everything is done to your satisfaction. You might even do all the work, or some of it, or even one of it. But you would always make sure that each stage of production is to your approval and satisfaction, before the next stage commences. However, if your expertise in this area is not current, or non-existent, you would look elsewhere to find the right expertise. Nowhere is more apparent to look than the online resources that are at your disposal to retrieve by carefully crafting search arguments that will return the answers you are looking for. But these answers are tailored, waiting for your search, and You do not even think of looking elsewhere because the online services are right there at your finger tip; they are intimidating, and enticing, all at the same time. Moreover, the enticement is reinforced by the supporting emails, and follow-up leaflets that flood your inboxes, and postal mail boxes. Once you have narrowed down your list of website builders, you will do your due diligence and select the builder that best meets your approval. The way to accomplish this is to ask questions to address your expectations. Be always mindful of the fact that they are in the business of selling courses and their primary and only objective is to sell courses, so they will tailor their presentation to do just that, even if it means being deceptive, not disclosing, or cloaking the full or complete extent of the time and expenses associated with their training programs. It is just the facts as they happened, no opinion, no subjectivation, no objectivation, no conclusion. These are the questions you might ask before signing. Make a note of them, and ask them. It spiked my interest because I was then looking for precisely that type of information. On the fourth of March I paid the seminar registration fee, and a week after I was sitting at my computer listening to the presentation, narrated by Chris, himself. I was impressed. The presentation was short and spicy, and the call to action was built in. The gist of it was a briefing of what makes for a good website-presentation to the searcher, and how to lead that searcher to become a customer. The entire training would take a year to eighteen months. I liked it then. I would like it even more now, if the true disclosure of time and other resources was given. Chris called me on the telephone the next day, as a follow-up, and to get my views on the seminar, as well as to explain the cost and method of payment. During our conversation the idea of curriculum and syllabus kept going through my thought process so I asked him if we the students get a curriculum and detail syllabus. He explained that it is just what we have been over, and a syllabus is not really necessary. On March 25, I paid the cost of the training, and training commenced in April The training began as one would have expected, with the welcome and greeting. Course Section 5 called for the setting up of a legal entity business name, and establishing of bank account. Course Sections 2, 4, and 6 required the purchasing of Quick Books Pro , and subscription to Lynda. The thing to bear in mind here is that Lynda. It is a matter of playing the videos until the information is grasped or understood. This could involve playing the videos more than once. Any subsequent reference or lookup requires playing the videos again if subscription is still current, or renew subscription first. Windows 8. Course Sections 10 through 34 covered marketing research, utilizing spread sheets, covering topics including but not limited to: Competition, Pricing, Niche marketing and advertising, Keywords, demographics and consumer identification, product qualification, and supply chain. Course Sections 35 through 39 required the purchasing of monthly subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud. Also required Lynda. I completed the training up to course section 41, in August, The flood Harvey then came and destroyed my house and the fullness thereof. After setting up temporary domicile I contacted Chris Malta in September of , requesting that due to my disruption, and the time it will take me to reestablish, I cancel the remainder of the course and be given a prorated refund. He informed me that the time has long passed for any type of refund, but I may resume the course when it is possible for me to do so. I asked him to give me the entire course work material all at once, since I have already paid for it, that I may or may not work on it at my leisure, he said no, that is not possible. I decided to resume the course. It took me until June before I was recovered from the effects of Harvey, to the point where I could resume the course. At this moment I started contemplating whether I should drop the course completely, or restart at section To make this decision, I need to assess what I have completed, and what I have yet to complete. So, I asked Chris to send me a copy of the syllabus, and explained why I need it. He promptly sent it to me, as mentioned before. Speaking from the syllabus, the part of the course that I have not yet completed lists 79 more sections and 37 more video trainings. Undoubtedly, these require additional expenses for video training subscriptions and or the purchase of software products this level of detail is only given at the beginning of each lesson. Retrospect The original presentation to me was deceptive. Now I am faced with the options of dropping the course and losing the almost six thousand dollars, including the cost of the course itself, that I have already sunken into it, or resuming the course at a point where I would not only incur additional cost, but repeat most of those I have already incurred. Be mindful. Comment 1 1. Anonymous Michelle H Mar 13, Anonymous Rolando Ramos Mar 13, My comment will most likely be short but to the point. So I apologize in advance. Anonymous Sujit B Mar 12, Every new lesson is a new skill to me and a catalyst to my success. Thanks, Sujit. Reply 1 0. Thanks Sujit. Reply 0 0. Anonymous Chris Malta Nov 27, Reply 10 0. Anonymous Stephen Stiles Jan 09, Chris Malta Chris, I applaud your standing up for yourself Reply 5 0. Anonymous Chris Malta Feb 25, Stephen Stiles Stephen, thank you for your comment. I remember working with this man in one-on-one. Again, thanks for commenting, Stephen. View more comments 6. Product Chris Malta Course. Cons Cost and time consumption. Reason of review Deceptive Presentation of Time and Expences. Compare Companies Chris Malta. Chris Malta Questions. Thank You for Your Reply! We are processing your message. Thank You for Your Submission Your comment is successfully posted. Company Name. It contains commercial or promotional content. It includes private information. Sexual exploitation of children. I am affiliated with this business and need to report something about this review or business. Full Name Job Title Email. I am the author of review and would like to remove it. If you wish that your prior post be removed, submit a notarized letter. I want to report something else. Send report Cancel. I am the author of comment and would like to remove it. Compare Claim Business Follow Search. Write a review. Do you have something to say about Chris Malta? What happened? What can we help you with? Terms of Service. I agree to TOS Cancel.

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