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Отзывы об отеле Aria Boutique Hotel & Spa в городе Катманду, Непал. to the same owner thank you Aria for beautiful stay in Kathmandu Chris and Koon sim-card receptionist sent the guard with me to show the closest place to buy it.

После чудовищного землетрясения года, сравнявшего Катманду с землей, в результате которого погибли тысячи людей, выжившие жители непальской столицы нашли убежище в новых домах, построенных из кирпичей, оставшихся от разрушенных домов. А затем в прошлое воскресенье погибли, по крайней мере, еще 5 тысяч непальцев некоторые из них, по всей видимости, под обломками тех же самых кирпичей , когда в результате подземного толчка магнитудой 7,8 баллов рухнули хрупкие здания, в которых эти люди жили. Сегодня, в отличие от года, Непал может предпринять меры, чтобы разорвать этот порочный круг и предотвратить разрушения в стране, сотрясаемой мощными подземными толчками примерно каждые 75 лет. И, что важно для этой одной из беднейших стран на планете, большую часть работ можно выполнить дешево — используя инновационные методы, ставшие популярными в сейсмоопасных районах планеты. В качестве самых доступных технологий, позволяющих спасти жизни людей, предлагается использовать предварительно замоченные в воде глинобитные кирпичи с целью повышения их прочности при строительстве стен или же применение таких дешевых материалов как солома или изношенные покрышки. Ее некоммерческая компания Build Change уже построила и реконструировала здания на Гаити, в Индонезии и в других сейсмоопасных регионах, и теперь они смогут выдержать стихийные бедствия. При этом специалисты компании обучали технологиям местных строителей. В ближайшие дни Build Change начинает работать в Непале. В Лос-Анджелесе, Токио и других богатых городах, расположенных в сейсмоопасных зонах, дополнительные расходы на строительство сейсмостойких домов стали уже реальностью жизни. Бетонные стены армируют стальными конструкциями, несущие элементы конструкций прочно соединяют между собой, и новые здания даже устанавливают на специально разработанных сейсмозащитных подушках, поглощающих вибрацию. Большую роль сыграли и жесткие строительные нормы, за счет которых удалось спасти тысячи жизней во время землетрясения в Чили в феврале года силой 8,8 баллов. И если бы не жесткое строительное законодательство, то количество жертв землетрясения мощностью 9,0 баллов и цунами, произошедших в Японии в марте года, было бы гораздо больше. Однако в таких менее развитых странах как Непал или Гаити, где в результате крупного землетрясения в январе года по некоторым оценкам погибли свыше тысяч человек и остались без крова более миллиона человек, типовые инженерные антисейсмические решения зачастую оказываются финансово недоступными. Впрочем, они вообще нигде не должны были произойти. Потому, что есть дешевые строительные технологии. Блонде работает над этими технологиями еще с года, когда в результате землетрясения в Перу погибли не менее 70 тысяч человек, многие из которых остались под обломками своих домов. Тяжелые хрупкие стены из традиционного самана — дешевого кирпича, высушиваемого на солнце — рухнули сразу же, как только начались первые подземные толчки. А в результате последовавших колебаний почвы начали обваливаться и крыши. Ученые из научного бюро Блонде выяснили, что существующие саманные стены можно укрепить с помощью прочной пластиковой сетки, уложенной под штукатурку. Во время землетрясения такие стены потрескаются, но не обрушатся, что позволит жильцам покинуть здание. Пластмассовую сетку можно также использовать для укрепления бетонных стен на Гаити или где-нибудь еще. В Катманду и на остальной территории Непала неукрепленные каменные стены можно также укрепить за счет нанесения слоя штукатурки на основе цемента. А построив дополнительные внутренние стены-перегородки которых здесь обычно не возводят, чтобы оставить больше места для фасадов магазинов, расположенных на первых этажах , можно укрепить само здание, считает Элизабет Хауслер Стрэнд. При этом она допускает, что инженеры сделают все возможное, чтобы повысить прочность небезопасных высотных домов в столице Непала, где из-за притока населения когда-то пришлось принять опасное решение и надстраивать дополнительные этажи. Seuss , — говорит она. Привязка к местным условиям Многие инженеры, занимающиеся проблемой сейсмобезопасности зданий, стараются использовать местные материалы. В Индии ученые провели успешные испытания бетонного дома, укрепленного бамбуком. Экспериментальный дом, разработанный для Индонезии Джоном ван де Линдтом John van de Lindt из Университета штата Колорадо, установлен на специальной подушке, амортизирующей колебания грунта, которая изготовлена из старых покрышек, наполненных мешками с песком. Возможно, прочность такого дома будет в три раза меньше, чем у дома, построенного на более сложной и технически совершенной антисейсмической подушке, но он и стоить будет три раза меньше, а значит, и будет более доступным для жителей Индонезии. В Непале при строительстве зданий традиционно используют кирпич и деревянные несущие балки, проходящие сквозь стены. Сам по себе метод не так уж и плох, считает геолог из Университета Колорадо и эксперт по сейсмологии этого региона Роджер Билэм Roger Bilham. Но даже если бы люди и захотели воспользоваться возможностью строить дома с помощью этих уже существующих технологий, древесину теперь купить сложнее, и новые дома будут строить из кирпича, бетона и стали. Непал в этом отношении добился некоторого прогресса и начал строить качественные общественные здания — например, школы — но безопасность новых жилых зданий вызывает сомнения. А пока следует ожидать новых и более сильных землетрясений, считает Билэм. В Непале, Перу, на Гаити и в других местах риск разрушений гораздо выше, чем те затраты средств и времени, которые необходимы для повышения прочности сейсмоопасных зданий. Пользователь обязуется своими действиями не нарушать действующее законодательство Российской Федерации. Пользователь обязуется высказываться уважительно по отношению к другим участникам дискуссии, читателям и лицам, фигурирующим в материалах. Комментарий пользователя может быть подвергнут редактированию или заблокирован в процессе размещения, если он:. В случае трехкратного нарушения правил комментирования пользователи будут переводиться в группу предварительного редактирования сроком на одну неделю. При многократном нарушении правил комментирования возможность пользователя оставлять комментарии может быть заблокирована. Пожалуйста, пишите грамотно — комментарии, в которых проявляется неуважение к русскому языку, намеренное пренебрежение его правилами и нормами, могут блокироваться вне зависимости от содержания. Мир После чудовищного землетрясения года, сравнявшего Катманду с землей, в результате которого погибли тысячи людей, выжившие жители непальской столицы нашли убежище в новых домах, построенных из кирпичей, оставшихся от разрушенных домов. Присоединяйтесь к нам в Facebook и будьте в курсе важнейших событий дня. Всего комментариев: Комментариев: 2. Комментарий Эта статья опубликована более, чем 72 часа назад, а значит, она недоступна для комментирования. Новые материалы вы можете найти на главной странице. Ваш комментарий будет проверен модератором на соответствие Правилам. Все комментарии. Редактировать Удалить. Популярное Обсуждаемое. TU: решение России подрывает позиции доллара Дневник Произошла ошибка. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку позже. Адрес публикации:. Ваше имя:. Ваш E-mail:. Авторизация Политика конфиденциальности. Подтвердите пароль:. Введите код с картинки. Нажимая кнопку 'Зарегистрироваться', вы соглашаетесь с Политикой конфиденциальности и даете свое согласие на обработку персональных данных в соответствии с Политикой конфиденциальности. Чтобы продолжить, подтвердите E-mail. На отправлена инструкция. Введите email. Инструкция по восстановлению пароля отправлена на. У вас есть профиль? Да Нет. Помнить меня. Регистрация Восстановление пароля Политика конфиденциальности. Вы уверены, что хотите удалить ваш профиль? Вид деятельности:. Факт регистрации пользователя на сайтах РИА Новости обозначает его согласие с данными правилами. Публикуются комментарии только на русском языке. Комментарии пользователей размещаются без предварительного редактирования. Войти через социальные сети. Мужчина набирает воду рядом с разрушенным храмом в Катманду.

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Отель по меркам Катманду - шикарный. Удобно расположен в районе Тамель. Помимо шикарного оформления самого отеля и номеров, поразила их фишка - возможность времени завтрака 24 часа в сутки. В первый день мы завтракали в Плюс, заметно бросилась в глаза концепция создания позитивного настроя у отдыхающих, заключающаяся во множестве мелких фишек, начиная от предложения в холле отеля сфотографироваться с плюшевыми игрушками панд и заканчивая совершенно отличающейся от других отелей всего мира политикой смены постельного белья в номерах. Если во многих отелях, где она регулируется 'вручную', надо найти какой-нибудь символ открытку, кружочек, дощечку, табличку Пустячок, а приятно, сразу видно, что администрация разворачивается к клиенту лицом, а не другим местом Пару минусов из-за которых не поставил ку: с предложенными паролем и логином за 2 вечера так и не смог выйти в интернет идти разбираться времени и желания не было ; и небольшие совершенно некритичные недочёты обслуживания уборки и контроля тех. А в общем и целом отель настойчиво рекомендую. Останавливались на 2 ночи. Превосходный отель. Лучший из всего что я видел в Непале. Не для бэкаперов. Высочайший сервис. Прекрасные номера. Стильные ванные комнаты. После всей грязи и пыли Катманду очень приятно вернуться в этот отель. Если вы ищите европейское качество сервиса среди грязи и шума катманду - вам сюда. Но не за 3 рубля. Рекомендую всем после 35 лет. A bit run down and musty. Better options that are cheaper out there. This is a bit outdated and in need of fixing. Fixtures were falling off the walls as well. Over priced for what it is. Had two rooms and both were the same quality. Right in the heart of Thamel, easy access to tourist areas, good for the price. Great staff. Only bad thing was the breakfast was pretty mediocre, and the gym is lousy. Dear Guest, Thank you taking the time to share your experiences. We are happy to read that your overall experience was good. We appreciate your valuable feedback as it helps us identify the area we can improve the guest experience. We wish to provide you more beautiful experience with us in the near future. This hotel was a fun change with their crazy menu and animals on the bed. The rooms were decent with a wonderful, hot shower and huge tub! Bathroom was the best I had in Nepal. Beds were comfy and a nice seating area. Staff were attentive overall except when I asked for more animals in my room, I think they thought I was joking but I really wanted more! Great place overall wonderful club sandwiches and great service overall. Dear Guest, Thank you for giving your time for review and opportunity to serve you as a guest. We are very honored to hear that, you are happy from our hospitality. Hope to see you soon in future. Breakfast is good, rooms are very clean and quirky. The bed was very comfortable. Sound proofing is good, so you can actually get a good nights sleep. Sauna and gym included in fee and the staff were helpful and attentive. Not really much vibe going on, not a place to meet people. Location is good, just away from the main strip which is nice. For the price I paid through Agoda, I would stay again. Dear Guest, Thank you very much for your sincere and marvelous review. We are glad to know that you had a good and memorable stay with us. Thank you for loving our hospitality. We are looking forward to welcoming our hotel to provide an excellent services in the future as well. This place is severely overpriced and the rooms are old and worn out. Not recommended. Other places nearby for less than half the price are much better. Dear Guest, Thank you for staying our hotel. In future, we make your we will provide you good hospitality and make you happy. Hope to see you again. I stay in this hotel with my young kids for 4 nights not too bad. Not that much great but oki. The sofa need to be changed looks very old and dirty. Staff specially gentleman into the front desk was really helpful. Dear Guest, Thank you for staying with us. We really appreciate your review and will look after this problem. Dear Guest Thank you taking the time to share your experiences. We are honored to receive your detailed review and appreciate your endorsement of our service, location and facilities. We endeavor to provide a holistic experience to our guests and it brings us great joy to learn that the facilities were of good use to you. It is indeed a sheer delight to learn that our staff ensured that you had a memorable stay. We are delighted to hear such positive comments from our guests like yourself and we will continue to work hard to present a great hotel. We again would like to welcome you in our hotel in near future and sure that you will give us that privilege. Very nice and accommodating staff. Purchased a massage spa thing but had to go to other sister hotel a few blocks away. Not a big deal but would have been nice to not have to go anywhere. In the middle of the tourist part of town with many shops and people watching so that was nice. Dear Guest Thank you for your kind feedback and for making our hotel your home away from home. I am especially happy to read that we were able to deliver to you the service standards that we pride ourselves on. It was a pleasure having you at our hotel. Right in the middle of everything, the night life, the local streets, the touristic area. Probably the most famous hotel in Katmandu. If you expect to gat hotel like a 5 starts hotel in Mexico then you will be disappointed. But if you understand that Katmandu is different then I think it is absolutely the best that you can get. Dear Guest Thank you for writing review about your stay and recommending us. It is very rewarding that you were happy with many facets of our services, that we take great pride in. Dear Guest Thank you for your appreciation about the hotel , the team and the facilities offered. We do take special care in providing the best services for all our guests throughout their stay. We are glad you loved the hotel and the high levels of service. When you stay at our hotel no request is unreasonable and un-organised. Glad to know that we were able to assist you during your kathmandu visit. See you! The hotel is nice and the facilities are great! The restaurant had delicious meals and the staff were very accommodating and professional. The only problem I had with the room was adequate lighting. There were many small lights,but at night when I was looking for something in my suitcase—there was no main light source. Dear Guest Thank you for choosing our Hotel on your recent stay and taking time to share your lovely experience. We are delighted that you enjoyed the food and beverage offerings, ambiance and service. It has always been our utmost focus to provide our guests with personalized service that meets high standards of hospitality and it is motivation from discerning guests such as you which encourages us to give our best. Regarding lighting, sorry for the inconvenience caused during your stay. When you visit next time, we make sure to provide you rooms with all light. The only small suggestion I have is to do some maintenance and upkeep on the gym equipment oiling weight machines and making sure the treadmill is working. Dear Guest Dear Guest Thank you for your appreciation about the hotel, the team and the facilities offered. It is indeed encouraging to have our efforts recognized by you on Agoda. Regarding Treadmill, We are sorry for the inconvenience caused, we will make sure in your next visit every gym equipment will be working fine : See you soon! The services, staffs and location is just perfect. My only concern is that the jacuzzi seems not properly cleaned, there are stains all over. Dear Mohammad Thank you for a writing review of our hotel and your continued support. We are pleased to hear that you had a fantastic stay with us and you liked our hotel property. We have duly noted your appreciation regarding our staff and it will definitely lift their spirit. Regarding the jacuzzi, we would like to we would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused during your stay. However we tried to remove the stains. My room was on 2nd floor. Its a very beautiful decorated room. Main thing which attracted me is that they put my country flag as a greeting for me in my room before coming. Hotel staff like Anu and others are very helpful and friendly. The only thing is.. Rest all fine. Looking forward to stay there again. Dear Puneet Thank you taking the time to share your experiences. We are honored to receive your review and appreciate your endorsement of our service. It is always our highest priority to provide the highest level of services to our guests at all times. We certainly aim to be one of the best hotels by providing beautiful rooms, luxurious facilities and exquisite food, but above all - excellent services. It was our pleasure hosting you. We are very happy to receive your positive feedback about the decor, hotel facilities,cleanliness and caring attitude of our associates. Looking forward to greet you in the coming days with more updated service and facilities. Conveniently located near many shops and restaurants in Thamel. We booked at Penguin Hotel 1, but were transferred to hotel 2, as there was construction in Hotel 1. Hotel 1 has no elevator and a gym, hotel 2 had an elevator and no gym, but guests at either hotel can use gym at 1. Gym was decent, and windows in hotel 2 were double-paned, so it was very quiet. The internet in 2, was very slow, but that seemed to be par for the course in Nepal. Breakfast took 30 min to prepare, but was good. Spacious, quiet, and comfortable. Dear Guest Thank you for taking time to share your experiences. We are honored to receive your review and appreciate your endorsement of our service and facilities. There are a few better places in Kathmandu, but they are at least triple the nightly rate. Remember, this is Nepal , so if you are from Saudia or America it is not the same level of luxury, but the warmth and service of the staff makes it a memorable experience. Dear Brian Thank you very much for a wonderful feedback regarding you recent stay with us. We strive to provide the best facilities and quality service and we are glad you felt the same. Great hotel, central location in Thamel yet very quiet. Very comfortable rooms. Outstanding service, The staff does everything possible to make you feel like at home. When I needed an ATM, they not only showed me the direction but one of the staff even went together with me so I could easily find it. We stayed for 6 nights at this hotel. The hotel is in a great location, easy walking from hotel to other locations on Thamel. The staff at this hotels are extremely friendly nd helpful. They are a real asset to this hotel. The room is very clean and has everything you need, the internet in the room was quite fast. The power goes off in Thamel just about everyday, but the hotel has a generator that kicks straight in when this happens, so you hardly notice. The only thing that was a little unusual is that you turn the hot water on and it can take 5 to 10 minutes to come through, but this is clearly noted in the bathroom, so that you are aware before taking a shower. The hotel is quite nice. The rooms are a bit small, but for Kathmandu it is warm and comfortable. The staff was very welcoming and the breakfast was good, just a bit too small. Left a bit hungry and went out to get more food. This is a newly opened hotel in KMT and hence everything is new. The staff here was very nice and they were willing to help at any time. The breakfast was nice and yummy. Though it was near the road, it was not noise at night. It was a comfortable stay. Warm enough for the wintertime in Kathmandu. Bed is a great comfort, which has always been important for me. Yeah, and the most important — it is absolutely smoking-free! The roof-top park with swing chairs is cute. By the way, hotel has truly good lights, comfy for readingin the evening time. The stuff is very friendly and nice. Good amount breakfast menu, food was not good in quality. I got food poision. Dear guest, Greetings from Aria Boutique hotel and Spa! Thank you for staying at our hotel. We sincelerly apologise for facing those problems during your stay at our hotel. We will definitely look upon your comments and notify the concerned department which will help us in the betterment of our hotel. We hope to see you again in your next visit and hope you a wonderful and pleasant day ahead! The Aria Hotel has a convenient location with lots of shopping near by and walking distance to Durbar Square. The stuff is outstanding and always trying to help on making your stay the best possible experience. The food is great and has a wide variety of international cuisine. Rooms are clean and equipped with all the needs to make it a pleasant stay. We had a great time during our 3 days in Kathmandu and would highly recommend the Aria Hotel. Thanks again!!! Dear Kalus Thank you so much for your kind review. A wonderful place to rest and recover following a long trek with great facilities, clean rooms, very comfortable beds, air conditioning, room service and unbelievable staff. Dear Guest, Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback in regards to your recent stay with us. It is encouraging to read such positive comments regarding our hotel. It was indeed our pleasure to have you as our guest and we look forward to welcome you back for your next visit. Nice hotel on the edge of the tourist area in Kathmandu Thamel , at walking distance of all the main sights Durbar Square, etc. Very friendly staff, always available to help. The rooms are spacious and clean. Dear Guest Thank you very much for your valuable review. We always endeavor for the satisfaction of our valuable and honorable guest. We are delighted that you enjoyed the food offerings, ambiance and service. It was a pleasure having you at our hotel and we look forward to welcoming you back again! Excellent communication and information provided which makes a stay in a foreign country so much easier. Best poached eggs!! Thank you for a great stay. Everything was great both time. Had a flight cancelled, went back to the hotel and Mr Tamjang hotel manager went out of his way to find me a room in another Hotel as Aria was all booked up that evening. Will be back to Aria each and every time I happen to be in Katmandou. Dear Guillaume Thank you for making time and writing review regarding your stay with us. Our hotel provides services round the clock for the convenience of our guests. It was a pleasure having you with us. We are looking forward to welcoming you back very soon to exceed your expectations each time. I stayed in the single King Size room. Aside from the cool lights, every kind of amenity or facility is available. My only gripe was that sometimes the TV would lose signal, the WiFi was inconsistent at times and the shower would lose a little bit of pressure over time. Dear Andre Thank you for your feedback. We are pleased to read that we have been able to make you comfortable during your stay, and thank you for sharing your good experiences with fellow Travellers. We certainly aim to be one of the best hotels by providing beautiful rooms, luxurious facilities and exquisite food, bakeries, dessert but above all - excellent services. Sorry for any inconvenience caused during your stay. We will be waiting you to provide upgraded service and facilities. Right in tourist area so a bit hectic, but the hotel is a little piece of quiet inside the chaos double glazed windows make it much quieter than I expected. The staff are so lovely, kind and polite but always up for a chat if you are. This hotel was something different from the usual - interesting lighting, furniture, stuffed toys ha! I had a friend staying at a big name hotel and she was quite jealous of my room! A very pleasant stay indeed, thank you. Dear Clare Thank you so much for review of our hotel and your continued support. Thank you for highlighting all the beautiful aspects of our hotel. We have spacious and comfortable rooms, modern bathrooms, Restaurant, delicious array of breakfast and our central location. We are pleased to hear that you had a fantastic stay with us and you liked our hotel property very much. We are happy that we were able to offer you good hospitality during your stay and we look forward to welcoming you back again : Warm Regards Mingma Sherpa Royal Penguin Boutique Hotel Team. This hotel is situated in the tourist area of Kathmandu and for that reason I loved it. I enjoyed chatting to excited tourists from all over the world over a masala tea in the courtyard garden and hearing their tales of trekking. The hotel staff were super friendly, especially the security guards and the receptionists. Especially the Nepali and Yogurt menus which were weirdly omitted from my room menu. Safe and Superbly located. Dear David Thank you for such a detailed and wonderful feedback regarding your recent stay at our Hotel! We really look forward to host you again with our updated services in our hotel. We strongly believe that each guest is special and deserves the highest level of hospitality, and we get the greatest satisfaction by achieving that. We are also glad to learn that you were very happy with the staff services. See you in upcoming days! Everything is very good, food is great, staff extremely helpful and clean room. Only minor des advantage: warm water one has to wait 5 - 10 minutes, a bit of street noise but Katmandu centre is noisy so do not think one can avoid it. Dear Alexis Thank you for your kind feedback and for making our hotel your home away from home. We are very delighted to have such nice review from you and we are glad to know that you had a good time during your stay here in Royal Penguin Boutique Hotel. We are the most happiest whenever we get to hear that our guest enjoys their stay being comfortable in their rooms. We really look forward to serve you again in our hotel in the coming days with more updated facilities. The hotel received good reviews and so I gave it a try. The location was superb, at the tourist centre of Thamel, Kathmandu. The staff are attentive and helpful. Dear Guest, Thank you very much for your valuable review. See you again in the future. Their crazy-menu is a must-see thing. Never seen anything like that even in hotels in other countries. They offer all sorts of services - from babysitting and yoga classes to decorating your room with balloons and rose petals. Be attentive looking through it - some services listed there are free: I ordered a larger coffee mug instead of the standard cup provided in the room. It not so easy to find in Nepal. Breakfast I chose from a list with sets, it was delicious and plentiful. Staff helpful and polite, when I needed a local sim-card receptionist sent the guard with me to show the closest place to buy it. Royal Penguin is definitely the one of the best hotels where i ever have been. Room has very cool design , nice toys and souvenirs. U can order in the room all food from the restaurant on the grand floor , also breakfast available 24 hours. Gym has all machine and equipment that needs. Highly recommend. The room was perfectly clean and looks new and nice decorated. There are everything for comfort stay: fridge, kettle, big TV screen, mini bar and huge bathtub. I had a great time staying at the hotel. The staff was very attentive and helpful, especially receptionists. I was upgraded to executive. Internet and power 24 hours. Vast menu in restaurant, good choice of breakfast. Food and mocktails are very tasty. Angus beef is delicious. Special thanks for staff and especially for Kunchan - he was very helpful and attentive. Location is wonderful - in Thamel but in quiet corner. I suppose this hotel is ideal for business travellers and not only. Was glad to stay there again. Bright and clean room with all the necessary comforts. I especially liked the small things, which are not usual for most hotels, for example there were two types of blankets - the big one and a light, very comfortable one, felt more like a nice rug. Different options of lights in the room - so you could choose between a dim and romantic light and a bright and cheerful one. Funny door cards, they made me laugh a lot you just have to see that. The restaurant has an extensive coffee menu, i recommend to try Illy Tiramisu espresso with finger cookies and ice-cream. We stayed only for 1 high and we had a very enjoyable nights sleep. It was clean , bright and comfortable. We checked out at the exact time the earthquake hit. It was a memorable experience. I Hope the Hotel and all the Staff are well. I wish you all Well for the future. While I had a great time staying at the hotel which was located near the heart of Thamel, there are a couple of things that can make this a four star hotel 1 reduce clutter in the room. There are stuffed animals, too much signage, and extra glasses and decorations which make the room feel cluttered 2 bathroom toilet cleaner is in bathroom and is a bit unsightly. Shower curtain had some light stains. Otherwise the hotel is def 4 star quality. This hotel is located at the heart of Thamel where you can find everything you are looking for to shop at Kathmandu. Maybe the best bit - it has a seriously big stand-by generator that kicks in and powers the whole hotel during the frequent load-shedding pre-arranged power-cut designed to allow power to be shared evenly between all areas. Have stayed at Royal Penguin Boutique Hotel for 5 nights. The hotel is new and cozy with small but very well equipped gym, sauna and even beauty parlor. I have stayed at the Deluxe room - perfect size for one person. I have been traveling through Asia for last 18 months and can say that the level of customer service at Royal Penguin is outstanding and can put most of 5 star luxury resorts to shame : Would definitely recommend this hotel to my friends and stay again when am back to Kathmandu. For anyone who has in recent years stayed in Kathmandu and battled with daily power outages, this hotel delivered power which was a treat. Great location. Staff very friendly and experienced. Hotel and room interior very unique and pleasant, very clean. Bed very comfortable. We liked the possibility to have breakfast at any time. Cuisine was superb. Internet worked OK. Each detail in the hotel services well thought-out. Combination of all these factors made our stay perfect. Highly recommended for those who values comfort and inspiring experience. Our next stay will certainly be in a Royal Penguin! You can get everything nearby the hotel,very convienence. I will stay here again if my next trip to Kathmandu. Royal penguin Boutique Hotel is the new hotel in Thamel area. The staff very friendly and provided the best services to us. The room is clean and comfortable. The location also very good ,most is walking distance. I would like to say this is the best hotel in Thamel area. Everything was superb, with the exception that, despite having both a jacuzzi and a steam shower, there was no hot water. However, having stayed in several top-of-the-range hotels in the city, I suspect that this is a problem down to Kathmandu rather than the hotel itself. The staff could not be more helpful and the location is perfect. It was good overall for the price paid as compared to Hotel Shanker, would definitely stay here. The breakfast was quite disappointing as the waiters did not know our orders well, and ended up with 3 straight errors on the orders I guess this is very much expected. Friendly staff, good internet, nice room and bathroom and hot showers. A straight 3 star I would say with all the basics. Comes with a spa downstairs too. Did not try their food so no comments on that. The most comfortable stay I had in Nepal and Kathmandu. The hotel has a creative design and decorations. The hotel has a 'Crazy Menu' offering a wide range of unthinkable services. I did not try any of them, nonetheless it amazed me a lot. Everyone staying there should check it out! Local tourist attractions are in easy access. Staff at the hotel were very accommodating and friendly. Breakfast was good, with a good selection from the menu. Staying in the Penthouse suite is definitely to be recommended, especially with its roof access - be mindful that the hotel has no lift! Would definitely stay here again if visiting Thamel. It was a great stay. The hotel is right in the middle of Thamel and is just a couple of minutes walk from the main tourist markets. I was in a an Executive room and the bathroom had a bath for 2 persons. Interesting was the different salt and pepper shakers on each table in the restaurant. Very large stuffed animals on my bed. Choice of pillow, etc. You can order a tiger or a deer to sit with you at breakfast. You can pay extra if you feel like it, etc. It was convenient, comfortable, clean and whacky. Not at all what I had expected, but very enjoyable, with all the good hotel things as standard. This hotel was just amazing. Our room was well presented and very comfortable. Hotel staff were helpful, friendly and very attentive. Check-in procedure was performed with quiet efficiency. Even though Thai Air had managed to lose our luggage on the non-stop flight from Bangkok a common occurrence, apparently , the hotel duty manager and her staff went out of their way to assist us when we arrived with, quite literally, only the clothes on our backs. In a very short time, the hotel staff had managed to assist us with lost luggage claims to Thai Air, taken us to various shopping areas to purchase emergency clothing and shoes, and found compatible phone battery charges that we could use. The hotel restaurant provides a good selection of food and drinks. The power blackouts for which Kathmandu is infamous were not a problem as the Royal Penguin Hotel has its own back-up generator. All in all, this is a great little oasis in the chaos of the Thamel area. We would recommend this hotel to any planning a trip to Nepal. Very Happy. The staff provided such good service, genuinely all you could ask for. Personalised service, from the minute i checked in, they were prepared for me. The room had mementos from my country, flags etc. Anything i asked were met with a smile, and handled, all without drama, and miscommunication often with special requests. They made it such a pleasure to stay. The rooms were cute, mine had a couch, a big tub, funky lighting and mountain paintings everywhere. The decor and ambience of the whole hotel was so great that we miss it so much. Such a beautiful hotel. Great staff too and food. Price was very reasonable. Our stay at the Royal Penguin was very good. Staff so Friendly and willing to help you with anything. Food was good and locations was ideal for shopping and sightseeing. Rooms were comfortable as were the beds. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay. The staff was very attentive and friendly. The kids loved the breakfast - not buffet, but limited choices off of the menu included - they really loved the crepes, filled with chocolate or whipped cream. The downtown Thamel location was superb - great for shopping, dining, and finding a good tour company or trekking company. Only downside - location meant lots of horns and dogs barking late into the night and starting pretty early in the morning. Still, if you can tolerate noise, I would definitely recommend this hotel. We really enjoyed our stay here. The staff are friendly but very professional. They helped us with a variety of self-planned tours and booked us very competent drivers who, no doubt, helped us avoid several potential tourist traps. They work well together and communicate very effectively with guests and each other. The level of professionalism was a welcome surprise. I also enjoyed my breakfast each morning; the chicken sausages are not actually revolting, a first for me! The room was clean and comfortable. The bathroom was large and everything worked. It was nice to have a bath! Lots of thought has gone into the decor- it is quirky and fun without compromising the comfort. We will return next time we are in town. We enjoyed our stay at the Royal Penguin Boutique Hotel. We spent the extra money for an Executive room because I wanted to have a sitting room. The hotel room was very spacious and clean. The bathroom was very nice and no problem having hot water. We ate dinner at the restaurant and found it to be really good. We also ate dinner at a few restaurants right in the area and found them really good. Walking distance to Durbar Square. The staff were very nice to us and helped us arrange two excursions and our mountain flight. Their English was superb. Central location convenient to all Thamel dining and shopping but on a relatively quiet street. Friendly helpful staff. Great breakfast. They have own generator so always have power, this is important in power shedding. Also hot water always available. This is the perfect place to end a trek in Nepal. It has its own power supply so no dreaded 6 hour Nepali blackouts. The staff are super efficient and very friendly. Cannot speak highly enough about the staff. The rooms are clean and well maintained. Great airconditioning. Hot showers. Highly recommended if looking for a comfortable quality hotel in the Thamel area. This was our favourite hotel in all our travels around India and Nepal. There are so many quirky details that make your stay pleasurable. At tha same time all the things an upmarket hotel should offer are there. Thoroughly recommend. We loved this hotel from the moment we booked it. They were very helpful in helping us organize excursions, including an Everest flight and trip to Chitwan. It is clear that the staff loves working here from their friendly and happy faces and warm greetings. If you get to work with Laxmi, she is really the best. Highly recommended. I would definitely stay again. Location was quiet at night and tons of restaurants and shopping in the area. Print out the location info before arriving as it can be hard to find hotels in the Thamel area. Carry the card when you are staying there, the map will help you while out shopping. Оценка по отзывов Посмотреть, что думают гости. Общая оценка. Оценка по отзывов. Предоставлено гостями, проверено. Отзывы Agoda Отзывы Booking. Время года. Все типы номеров Все типы номеров Делюкс King Делюкс двухместный с 2 односпальными кроватями - для некурящих Представительский номер с кроватью размера 'king-size' Представительский люкс с 2 односпальными кроватями Люкс в пентхаусе. Показать отзывы, где упоминается:. Все отзывы penthouse suite 24 hours thamel area hot water hotel staff. Проверенных отзывов гостей: Сортировать по Последние Оценка от высокой к низкой Оценка от низкой к высокой Самые полезные. Делюкс King. Отзыв оставлен 26 ноября Был ли этот отзыв полезным? Да Нет. Stanislav — Россия. Индивидуальный путешественник. Отзыв оставлен 21 мая Vera — Украина. Люкс в пентхаусе. Одна ночь в Февраль Отзыв оставлен 23 февраля Robert — Соединенные Штаты. Представительский номер с кроватью размера 'king-size'. Одна ночь в Апрель Отзыв оставлен 01 июля Troy — Соединенные Штаты. Отзыв оставлен 16 марта Great hotel. Great shower. Great Animals! Отзыв оставлен 11 марта Ответ отправлен 08 апреля Отзыв оставлен 23 апреля Один путешественник считает этот отзыв полезным. Anil — Великобритания. Семья с маленькими детьми. Представительский люкс с 2 односпальными кроватями. Отзыв оставлен 14 апреля Группа гостей. Отзыв оставлен 07 сентября Show more. Eunice — Филиппины. Семья с подростками. Отзыв оставлен 09 августа Ответ отправлен 18 августа Alexander — Таиланд. Отзыв оставлен 12 июня Ответ отправлен 20 июня Отзыв оставлен 19 марта Rodney — Соединенные Штаты. Отзыв оставлен 02 января Jason — Соединенные Штаты. Отзыв оставлен 28 октября Ответ отправлен 03 ноября Mohammad — Оман. Отзыв оставлен 07 июля Ответ отправлен 30 июля Отзыв оставлен 25 марта David — Соединенные Штаты. Одна ночь в Январь Отзыв оставлен 18 января Ответ отправлен 31 мая Brian — Соединенные Штаты. Отзыв оставлен 06 декабря Anna — Нидерланды. Одна ночь в Август Отзыв оставлен 21 августа Andrew — Австралия. Отзыв оставлен 22 июня Делюкс двухместный с 2 односпальными кроватями - для некурящих. Отзыв оставлен 08 февраля Одна ночь в Декабрь Отзыв оставлен 30 декабря Yanguo — Китай. Отзыв оставлен 29 декабря Paudel — Соединенные Штаты. Отзыв оставлен 26 декабря Klaus — Соединенные Штаты. Отзыв оставлен 11 сентября Brendan — Австралия. Отзыв оставлен 08 июня Отзыв оставлен 26 марта Ответ отправлен 28 марта Victor — Великобритания. Отзыв оставлен 16 февраля Ответ отправлен 19 марта Guillaume — Соединенные Штаты. Отзыв оставлен 16 апреля Andre — Австралия. Отзыв оставлен 20 февраля Clare — Австралия. Отзыв оставлен 02 ноября We are happy that we were able to offer you good hospitality during your stay and we look forward to welcoming you back again : Warm Regards Mingma Sherpa Royal Penguin Boutique Hotel Team Show more. David — Великобритания. Отзыв оставлен 31 октября Alexis — Индия. Одна ночь в Октябрь Nice clean room. Отзыв оставлен 09 октября Azli — Малайзия. Отзыв оставлен 05 октября Elena — Россия. Отзыв оставлен 24 августа Evgeniya — Россия. Отзыв оставлен 23 августа Anna — Россия. OLGA — Россия. Отзыв оставлен 20 августа Vsevolod — Россия. Отзыв оставлен 17 августа Yulia — Россия. Peter — Великобритания. Отзыв оставлен 28 апреля Azhar — Соединенные Штаты. Отзыв оставлен 14 декабря WEE — Сингапур. Одна ночь в Июнь Отзыв оставлен 09 июня Shane — Великобритания. Отзыв оставлен 17 апреля Victoria — Латвия. Отзыв оставлен 18 февраля Stephen — Австралия. Отзыв оставлен 27 января Kanstantsin — Беларусь. Отзыв оставлен 26 января Tan — Малайзия. Отзыв оставлен 19 декабря Daniel — Великобритания. Отзыв оставлен 12 декабря Ashok — Малайзия. Одна ночь в Ноябрь Отзыв оставлен 23 ноября Ting — Гонконг. An outstanding one especially when compared with other hotels in Kathmandu. Отзыв оставлен 09 ноября Sheralyn — Великобритания. Отзыв оставлен 29 сентября Bharat — Индия. Отзыв оставлен 26 сентября Martin — Великобритания. Отзыв оставлен 22 сентября Valentina — Австралия. Отзыв оставлен 08 сентября Одна ночь в Сентябрь Отзыв оставлен 06 сентября Sarjit — Малайзия. Excellent service and room. Отзыв оставлен 18 августа Kelly — Соединенные Штаты. Great location, excellent service, good food! Отзыв оставлен 15 августа Отзыв оставлен 26 июля Jennifer — Соединенные Штаты. Отзыв оставлен 25 июля Отзыв оставлен 24 июля Paul — Австралия. Одна ночь в Май Отзыв оставлен 19 мая Royce — Новая Зеландия. Great hotel, best we stayed in out of 8. Отзыв оставлен 06 мая Marisa — Соединенные Штаты. Amazing staff. Comfy beds. Casey — Соединенные Штаты. Helpful staff. Great area for shopping. Отзыв оставлен 15 апреля Показать больше отзывов. Весь мир. Отели: Непал. Отели: Багмати. Отели: Катманду.

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