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Героиновая чума приходит в Китай по Бирманской дороге, прорубленной через джунгли около 50 лет назад. Тогда никто и не предполагал, что дорога станет основным путем доставки героина из Бирмы в Китай. В одном только городе Куньмин, столице провинции Юньнань, 60 тысяч людей страдают от героиновой зависимости. И это только верхушка айсберга, ведь есть еще проблема СПИДа, распространяющегося через шприцы и проституцию… Недавно Китай возобновил попытки прервать поставку наркотиков в страну. Смотрите также выпуск — Опиумные войны. Маковые поля Бирмы занимают квадратных километров, ежегодно тут производится тонн героина. Девушка из провинции Сычуань просит кого-нибудь помочь ей сделать укол. Она готова за помощь отдать половину дозы. Двадцатилетний Фэн Юнли из провинции Гуйчжоу. Он живет в Жуйли уже полгода. В свои 23 года Чжу Лисян выглядит минимум на 10 лет старше. Ян Сяомэй плачет: 'Если я не буду работать проституткой, где буду брать деньги на наркотики? Чжу Лисян каждый день молится перед тем, как идти продавать наркотики. Ноги наркомана, пользовавшегося для инъекций грязными шприцами. Наркотики, конфискованные во время полицейского рейда. И Наньюн заразился ВИЧ из-за того, что принимал героин. Солдаты приграничной службы задерживают торговца наркотиками, только что перешедшего границу. В результате полицейского рейда была прекращена деятельность более чем десяти притонов. Наркоман в реабилитационном центре в Жуйли. Первые семь дней в реабилитационном центре — самый трудный период. Некоторые наркоманы пытаются лечиться от зависимости в исправительном заведении. Проблема наркомании в Китае имеет долгую историю. До революции огромные массы китайской бедноты были наркоманами: 70 миллионов употребляли опиум, морфий и героин, что, помимо прочего, стало результатом т. Напоминаем, что Bigpicture. Популярые посты. Фото Освенцима в цвете: так еще страшнее. Дженнифер Энистон про воссоединение с Брэдом Питтом. Топ продуктов, сжигающих жиры и регулирующих обмен вещест Самые горячие темы. Новые посты. Все Рубрики.

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Ergu is a small town in Sichuan on one of the main heroin smuggling routes. Drugs use and addiction have become serious problems there. One former addict told the Los Angeles Times. Everybody is taking drugs: men, women, even and year-old kids. The use if heroin is increasing at an alarming rate throughout China. The drug is cheap and available in the cities, and is widely used in the migrant communities. Some addicts are able to keep their habit going and pay rent with low-paying jobs. Snorting, injecting and smoking heroin is becoming increasingly more popular in the nightclubs and discos in Beijing and Shanghai. One year-old addict told the Washington Post he started smoking heroin when he was My parents gave me everything I wanted. At that time, drugs had started to appear in society. We were just curious. We inhaled heroin and stayed at bars late at night. In many cases they can earn as much in one day as a courier or dealer as they can working for a whole year as a farmer. Later, they become hooked themselves when they are encouraged to use the drugs by their suppliers who often give them free samples. China and India are believed to have the fastest growing market. There are an estimated 3 to 7 million addicts in China. The number of officially registered addicts increased from , in to , in to , in to , in According to one survey, three quarters of the addicts are male; 75 percent are under 25 and many are unemployed. Addiction rates are also high in areas near the Afghanistan border in Xinjiang and among migrant workers in the coastal cities, where many of the crimes are committed by addicted migrants. Drug addiction has become a problem for some ethnic groups in Yunnan such as the Bai. There are lots of sad and terrible stories out there related to heroin use. The Los Angeles Times described a young girl who was crushed to death by a train after she did so much heroin she passed out on some railroad tracks. The newspaper also described children whose mothers were addicts and whose fathers died of overdoses and extended families that were ruined by members who were addicts and ran up huge debts. In most cases, heroin addicts that receive any kind of help are rounded up and sent to military detoxification centers where they are thrown into barracks and forced to withdraw from drugs cold turkey with the help of herbal medicines, accupuncture and heavy labor. The addicts then spend three months living in cells, sleeping on mats and eating gruel passed through a hole in their cell door. Sometimes women addicts are accompanied by their children in the cells. There are compulsory detoxification facilities run by the police plus tougher re-edcuation centers run by the Justice Department for repeat offenders. Both are military-lilke facilities that include manual labor as part of their treatment. In addition to these there are voluntary drug rehab centers. The main treatment center near Kunming is run by the police and is home to around 2, addicts. The program there is regarded as one of the most progressive in China. Methadone is provided for a week to 10 days if needed. They grow tomatoes and raisie pigs so they have skills when they get out. Until I confront myself in the eyes and hearts of others. I am running. The treatment centers have spotty records. Studies have show that 85 percent of addicts at the Kunming center go back to heroin, compared to around 75 percent at treatment centers in the United States. Often the people who run the institutions are interested most in making profits off the products the addicts make. Drug users say there are often able to buy drugs from guards. Some villages have formed anti-drug brigades, which use tough love techniques mixed with some sympathy and understanding. Some villages have reported a 40 percent success rate. Their education campaign includes drawing skulls and poppy flowers on school blackboards and playing a boomboxes until crowds shows up and then singing anti-drug songs. In , the Chinese government announced plans to open needle-exchange centers for intravenous drugs users as part of its effort to halt the spread of AIDS. At that time 91 such centers were already open nationwide. Most Golden Triangle opium and heroin is produced in Myanmar. China is now believed to be the main transit point for heroin from Myanmar to the United States. It is now estimated that two thirds of the heroin on the streets in New York originates in Myanmar and passes through China. These days large amounts of methamphetamines produced in Myanmar are also smuggled through China. The drug deals are often financed by ethnic Chinese. According to U. News and World Report: 'A broker The heroin may change hands several more times between these U. A Chinese national by the name of Tan Xiaolin is believed to have moved three tons heroin between Myanmar and Hong Kong before he was arrested in He lived in a huge pink-and-green villa in China only a hundred meters form the Myanmar border. The powerful drug lord Liu Ming was killed in Burma after an attempt to arrest him ended in a firefight. He had his own army and smuggled large amounts of heroin from the Golden Triangle into various parts of China. They love China and everything Chinese. In remote areas of Special Region 2 you can see Chinese road builders camped in tents made of plastic sheeting, a sight evocative of images of Chinese building the American railroads years ago. Chinese trucks ply these new -- albeit dirt -- roads. Chinese merchants operate the small shops in the villages. In one village of dirt streets and thatch-roofed structures, we saw dozens and dozens of large new electric streetlight poles, suitable for the downtown of a city. We were told that the town chief had admired similar light poles in China, and a willing Chinese salesperson had then obliged. And behind the scenes, the Chinese government presumably pressures the Wa leadership to abandon opium, just as Chinese intelligence officers quietly track drug traffickers across the Wa region. It has eliminated opium production. Taking advantage of the nearness to China, Mong Lar has switched from opium to large casinos. Around the casinos are streets of brothels staffed by young women from all over China. Suddenly, it all clicked. We understood why the Wa leaders had taken us to those would-be casinos and karaoke bars -- they were showing how they planned to get rid of opium. They want to go into the tourism business. Most of the heroin and opium smuggled into China from Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam are hidden in truckloads of timber, fruits and tea that pass through Yunnan on their way to Shanghai, Hong Kong and other Chinese coastal cities. Much of it ends up in Hong Kong or the free-trade zones in southern Guangdong. The Burma-Chinese connection began in the s when Chinese migrants began traveling to Burma to work on poppy farms. Some of these people began trafficking. The drug trade has transformed sleepy Chinese border towns, such as Ruili near Myanmar, into boom towns with karaoke bars, hostess clubs, drugs and prostitutes. So many consumer goods are smuggled and legitimately carried in and out China that it is not much more trouble using the same routes to smuggle drugs. Economic freedom given to the 20 or so major ethnic minorities in the Yunnan Province has made it easier for these groups to set up smuggling operation with their ethnic kin in Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. Drug trafficking has also created a corruption problem. Policemen and soldiers are usually poorly paid and the temptation to accept bribes is hard to resist. Drug dealers say they can usually escape arrest by paying off policemen. Out of fear of attacks from traffickers, the governor of Yunnan is protected by bodyguards. In Hong Kong, smuggling groups with international connections take and moved the heroin to Sydney, Vancouver, and Los Angeles. Much of the heroin bound for the United States makes its way to Mexico because it is easier to move it from there into the United States than directly into the United States. Relatively few details are known about the how smuggling is actually done. The China White trade is profitable and enduring because it is run like a terrorist organization not a corporation. Unlike the Columbian cocaine cartel, which tried to control the entire trade from production to sales on the streets, different cells handle different phases of the trade, often without knowing what the other is doing. If there is a break in one phase, it can easily be replaced. The area around the town of Pingyuan near the Vietnam border has been called a war-zone. More than 2, Peoples Armed Police are stationed here. In one battle between police, armed with flame throwers, machines guns and armored personnel carriers, and drug dealers and a corrupt police official 24 people were killed. In another raid police seized more than 8, grenades and land mines. An August drug bust in Pingyuan nabbed drug suspects and seized kilograms of heroin. One drug official told Newsweek, 'These traffickers were heavily armed with automatic weapons and grenades. They had fortified homes with internal tunnels and secret passageways between floors. Drug traffickers have attacked government security bureaus and beaten to death two anti-drug cadres. According to one report, a police official that ordered the arrest of a big dealer, had his head cut off and displayed on a stake. Another official was found shot to death with 7 bullet holes in his body. The odds are better. Page Top. This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available in an effort to advance understanding of country or topic discussed in the article. In accordance with Title 17 U. Section , the material on this site is distributed without profit. If you are the copyright owner and would like this content removed from factsanddetails. Heroin Addicts in China There are an estimated 3 to 7 million addicts in China. Drug users say there are often able to buy drugs from guards Some villages have formed anti-drug brigades, which use tough love techniques mixed with some sympathy and understanding. Heroin Smuggling in China methamphetamine Much of the opium grown in the Golden Triangle area in Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam is purified into heroin in jungle laboratories and smuggled into Yunnan province in China, where it is delivered to Chinese syndicates who ship the heroin to Kunming and then to Shanghai, Hong Kong and another coastal cities where it is loaded onto one of the thousands of ships that leave for North America, Europe or some intermediary point every day.

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