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Они танцевали вальс, потом танго, потом снова вальс. Азнавуры переехали в Швейцарию, и Шарль купил там хороший дом в тихой Ее модельная карьера начиналась в 15 лет в Лондонском Covent Garden. в году Высочайший указ Александра III о закладке Великого сибирского пути (Транссиб).

Blue Book noun Синяя книга сборник официальных документов, парла- ментские стенограммы и т. I before Christ noun до нашей эры II bulk cargo noun насыпной, нава- лочный или наливной груз; бестарный груз. Он выболтал секрет своим друзьям. Bacchanal 1. Я увидел, что она отказалась от этой идеи. Будьте осторожны, въезжая задним ходом в гараж, дверь очень узкая. Next you must learn how to back a car into a parking space. Следующее, что вы должны выучить, это парковать машину с помощью заднего хода. Я врезался в другую машину, когда я выезжал со стоянки. Harry had just bought a new car, and his son went and backed it into a lamppost! Харри только что купил новую машину, а его сын разбил ее о фонарный столб! Толпа в ужасе отпрянула, когда солдаты пошли в атаку. Мы выбрали этот дом, потому что его сад примыка- ет к теннисному корту. Проем слишком узок, вы не раз- вернетесь, нужно дать задний ход. In her first driving lesson, Jane backed the car safely out of the garage. На своем первом уроке по вождению Джейн осторож- но выехала из гаража, дав задний ход. Если вы не можете подняться на холм обычным путем, вам нужно подниматься спиной. Если вы не можете въехать на холм обычным способом, вам нужно использовать задний ход. Syn: see capture II v. Balaam noun 1 bibl. Валаам 2 ненадежный, неверный союзник 3 запасной ма- териал для заполнения свободного места в газете. Я надеюсь, что данные по поступ- лениям и расходам уравновесятся. Нам нужно было вычерпать воду из лодки, чтобы благополучно добраться до берега. Джим отказался платить столько денег ради вступления в клуб. Мы должны объединиться против общего врага. Мы должны объединиться, чтобы бороться с общим врагом. Я слышал, как наши соседи ругались ночью. Когда свадьба Вебстера расстроилась, слух об этом быстро распространился повсюду. Обсуждалось несколько различных цифр, но только эти оказались правильными. The car banged against the garage door and damaged it. Tom banged the car into a street light and damaged it. Bangladeshi 1. Syn: see shore 2. The wind had banked the snow up against the wall. At night we bank the fire up so that it is still burning in the morning. I have always banked my money with the Royal Bank. Syn: see insolvent 3. The doctor was barred from practising after he was proved guilty of improper behaviour. The children barged into the room, shouting. I barged into an old friend in town today. Bartholomew Fair hist. Варфоломеева ярмарка ежегодная ярмарка в Лондоне в день св. Варфоломея - 24 августа. The man was put in prison for bashing his wife about. Gbasic adj. Basic English noun ling. Огденом; система обучения этому языку. The shores of Italy were bathed in sunshine. Syn: see fight 2. Our team and their opponents battled for the prize in the football match. Some rare wild animals are battling for their existence. Women must battle on until they have gained equality. People whose marriage has ended often battle over the children. Tomorrow we shall battle with our old enemies and defeat them. The director bawled Jim out for being late again. BD I barrels per day noun столько-то баррелей в день II bills discounted noun дисконтированные или учтенные векселя III bd - bond noun 1 облигация; бона 2 долговое обязательство 3 закладная IV bd - bound for I have never been to the Caucasus - я никогда не был на Кавказе 3 происходить, случаться Admission exams are once a year in autumn. Where have you been? Be careful how you drive, there are small rocks about in this area. Are there many gold coins about now? The number of students in each class must not be above twenty. Jim was abreast of the leading runner for a few minutes but then fell behind. Why is the dog running so fast? Quick, hide me, the police are after me! Jim is after another job. The old man is always after borrowing money. Driving without seat belts may soon be against the law. Father was against his daughter marrying young. Lying is against my principles. For a few minutes Jim was ahead of all the other runners, until his greatest competitor passed him. That boy is always ahead of his fellows. A great painter is usually ahead of his time. Will you be around this time next year? Motorists are being warned that there is thick mist around in the hills. That song has been around for many years. Каковы ваши намерения? Our men are ready, sir, all armed and eager to be at the enemy. The shock was so great that for a moment I was at a loss for words. We were at a loss to know what to do when the jewels were stolen. Stand up straight, man! Mr and Mrs Fox will be at home to their friends on Thursday evening from 7. During the war - but that was before your time, of course-it was difficult to get enough eggs. Your letters are behind the clock, where I always put them. The room where the wine is kept is below ground level. The hotel is on the upper floors, and the shops are below. The coat was below fifty dollars! My class was below ten students this year. A captain is below a major. By joining the army late, he found that he was below many men much younger than himself. The home of a rabbit is usually beneath the ground. Cheating at cards is beneath me. I should have thought it was beneath you to consider such an offer. Your shoes are beside the chair. You shall be beside me in the church. When Peter lost the race, he was beside himself with anger. The bank is between the shoe shop and the post office. The deer is beyond the trees. The valley where we live is beyond the mountains. The hospital says that the general is beyond medical help and will soon die. The amount of money that I won was beyond all my hopes. The children tried to build a hut in the garden, but the work was beyond them and they had to ask their mother to help. Is the state of the nation truly beyond redemption? His interests are completely bound up in his wife and family. The future of the island is bound up with the fortunes of the ruling power. Her eggs are getting cold. Unemployment figures are down from last year. Bank rates will be down another point by next month. Your contract says you must work at least 40 hows a week. Why am I down as belonging to the other group? Last time he was only down for a count of three. The director was down on Jim this morning for being late again. Thanks so much, I was down to my last cigarette. I like the classroom best when all the children are hard at work on ideas that they have chosen themselves. The first apples should be in next week в быть дома г прийти к власти о полити- ческой партии the labour candidate is in кандидат лейбористской партии прошел на выборах д быть модным Long skirts will be in again next year. I hope to be in at the death when the firm at last signs that big contract. I think the local police are in with the criminals. If Jim and Mary are quarrelling already, it looks as if their marriage is off to a bad start. Is there a case on in the Central Criminal Court? Что идет в Большом театре сегодня? Put your money away, this meal is on me. I was out in my calculations. When will the next magazine be out? Anyone, who refuses to accept the new committee is out at once. You could be out sooner if you behave yourself. At the first blow, he was out for the count. I think that the directors were out in their judgment. Have you any suggestions to make? No singer should ever be out of breath. At last the firm is out of debt. The boy is never out of trouble. The rain will soon be over. Will you be long over that report? The old man felt that he was now past going out every day, so he asked some young people to do his shopping. When Jim came home singing and shouting, we knew that he was under the influence of drink. Eggs are up again this month. You look pale. My family are up in London for a few days. I hear the gardener is up for the robbery at the big house. Your recent work has not been up to your usual standard. The new film is not up to his last one. Was the hook up to your expectations? What a remarkable resemblance she bears to the famous actress! The finished hook bears no resemblance to the material I sent. Lady Mice was borne away with joy when her child was given back to her. With the wind blowing strongly behind, the little boat bore down on the harbour. The responsibility for his family bears down on a young man. The courts must bear down on young criminals. There are so many questions to he borne in mind. We must bear in mind that the younger people might not like the idea. How does your story bear on this case? A line of servant entered, bearing food to the guests. You must bear with his bad temper; he has recently been ill. Bear with me while I try to remember exactly what he said. First put the flour in the bowl, and then beat the eggs in. Beat the eggs into the flour. Syn: flagellate, flog, scourge, spank, thrash, whip. My grandmother used to clean her mats by beating them against the wall of the house. The rain was beating against the windows. The firemen had to beat the door in. You will have to beat the old man into obedience. You will have to beat the old man into giving you the money. By winning a prize for writing Tom beat his teacher at his own game. Whatever became of that large suitcase we had? Did we give it to a friend? Can Jane bed down with her sister? I would be ashamed to beg from my neighbours. The day began with bad news, and looks like getting worse. Their leaders beguiled the men into a false sense of their own power. The clever salesman beguiled the old lady out of her money. We beguiled the warm afternoon with lazy talk. We beguiled the warm afternoon with swimming and reading. Black smoke belched out from the forest fire. Do you believe in fairies? Do you believe in everything the Bible says? Jane believes in eating carefully to control her weight. The fireman bellowed out a warning as the burning roof fell. The blue coat belongs to Mary. People of many different political views belong to the club. Yes, the new car belted along the road. The top of the box bends back to show the goods. Before it reaches the church, the road bends to the left. Jim seems bent on becoming a musician. He has been bent on becoming one for a long time now. Syn: bow, lean, stoop, turn, twist Ant: rise, straighten. Did you benefit from your holiday? I think the boy would benefit by further study. This ring was bequeathed to me by my grandmother. I bequeath to my children the rest of my property, to be divided equally. When his last plan failed, he was bereft of hope. Berlin 1. In some countries, a girl is betrothed to her future husband while she is still a child. Beware of how you walk on this rocky path. Many parents arc biased against popular music before they even hear it. The two children were always bickering about who should ride the bicycle. A surprising number of people were bidding for those rather worthless things at the sale. The English climbers are determined to bid for the highest mountain in the world. Bill of Rights amer. Bill of Rights a hist. The villagers did not like having the soldiers billeted on them. II noun 1 полено, чурбан; плашка 2 толстая палка 3 metal. The prisoner was bound to a post and shot. The young scientist felt bound down by a lot of useless and confusiing rules. The members of the club must bind together in loyalty. Syn: see inheritance. Why did you have to bitch everything up by telling John about the arrangements I made for his leaving party? Peter was about to tell the secret but he bit his words back. Black and Tans hist. The stage was blacked out to hide a change of scenery. Black Power noun amer. Syn: see disapproval 2. NN, - Н-ский, Х и т. The tablecloth has a nasty mark on it; do you think it will bleach out? My heart bleeds for you. I have to do that every morning! The men who took his son bled the father for L20, That moneylender has been bleeding me white with his high rate of interest. These houses seem to blend well with the trees and the surrounding land. The leader of the singing group chooses voices that blend with each other. The builder is trying to blend the style of the house in with the others in the same road. I think the colour of the paint will blend in with the curtains very nicely. Do you think these two colours will blend together? In his old age, the king was blessed with three fine daughters. Venetian blind ; ставень 3 предлог, отговорка; уловка, обман 4 opt. The desire to climb the mountain blinded Jim to all the difficulties. The police blocked off the street where the gunman was hiding. II noun tech. Then the bomb went off, and two of our officers were blown to glory. The violent wind was blowing broken glass about in the city streets. The wind was so strong that people were nearly blown away as they waited for buses. When did that old tree blow down? See what the wind blew in! The door blew open in the strong wind. The chimney blew out a cloud of black smoke. As I was cleaning the cupboard, a lot of feathers blew out. The heat blew out the tyre. The tyre blew out as I was driving to work. The child blew the paper bag out and then burst it. I feel blown out after that heavy meal. Horses are blown out after a race. The cooker has blown out и вырваться из-под контро- ля, прорваться о газе, нефти и т. An oil well blew out in the North Sea, causing a very big floating mass of oil. I hope your troubles will soon blow over. Mother will blow up at you when she finds her best dishes broken. The plan blew up in his face. The crowd blew him up with their praise. Do you think you can bluff the police into believing that you were not at the scene of the crime? I blush for shame when I remember how I treated you. When I see the prices that tourists are charged, I blush for my country. BM I basal metabolism noun med. Gboard I 1. The windows were boarded up when the owner died and the shop was closed. Board of Education а obs. Your family is so large that three of the children will have to board out. Bill boosts of owning the biggest car in the neighbourhood. The mind boggles at the idea of life on distant stars. Bohemian 1. Put a lot of the vegetable in the pan, it all boils down to a small quantity. Some of the stiffness will boil out when you first wash the cloth. The small argument boiled over into a serious quarrel. Have all the planes been bombed up? For a whole week, the little town was bombarded with enemy shells until the citizens were forced to yield. The machine was made so that the army could bombard the enemy castle with bits of broken rocks 2 coll. Jim is not very cheerful; he needs a holiday to boost him up. The bottom of our garden borders on the park. You could borrow some money from your uncle without paying interest. Can I borrow some sugar from you? Borstal adj. Borstal system - система наказания несовершеннолетних преступ- ников, по которой срок заключения зависит от их поведения при отбывании нака- зания - Borstal institution - Borstal boy. Botany Bay noun ссылка, каторга от названия бухты в Новом Южном Уэльсе, служившей местом ссылки. The last electrician botched up this job; I hope you can mend the wires. Syn: disturb, harass, pester, plague, trouble, worry Ant: comfort, console, placate, solace. Two members were bounced out of the club for failing to pay the money they owed. III adj. All the men in the court bowed down before the king as he entered. I bow before your opinion, and will take your advice. I bow to your better judgment, and will take your advice. When leaving the presence of the princess, you have to bow yourself out as you go. Jim bowed himself out of the competition when he learned who his opponent was. The old leader decided to bow out instead of fighting to keep his position. Your sudden news has quite bowled me out. In the accident, the car bowled over three times but the driver escaped unhurt. He keeps those two ideas boxed off from each other in his mind. Your books have to be boxed up to send to university. II noun 1 sport боксер 2 боксер порода собак. Boxing-day noun день на святках, когда, по английскому обычаю, слуги, письмоносцы, посыльные получают подарки. Brace up! Your troubles will soon be over. I do hate the way Bill brags about his new car. Bill brags of owning the biggest car in the neighbourhood. Syn: see boast. Each member is asked to brass up his share of the cost. The criminal broke away from the policemen who were holding him. Part of the country broke away from the State to form a new nation. Modern music has broken away from 18th century rules. The old cars were broken down for their metal and parts. Peter broke down and was unable to work for a year. Your health will break down if you work too hard. The car broke down on the way to the airport, and I had to get a taxi. Our food breaks down in the body into useful substances. Two weeks in the new office should be enough to break you in. Mary broke forth into laughter. As I grew more afraid, I broke into a cold sweat. I shall have to break into my savings to pay for the holiday. I keep a small supply of tinned food in the bottom cupboard, to be broken into only in case of real need. Mary broke off some of the chocolate to give to the children. Relations between Greece and Turkey have broken off. Jim broke off telling the story to answer the telephone. I should like to break out of this meaningless way of life. War broke out in Fire broke out in file hospital last night. I have to go now. Now that women have broken through in the field of medicine, we can expect more women doctors. In spring the ice on the Great Lakes breaks up. The crowd broke up. We break up next week. The party broke up when the police arrived. I hear that Jim and Mary are breaking up. It was money trouble that broke up their marriage. The terrible news will break him up. The death of his pet cat broke him up. He may break up under this trouble. Peter just broke up when we told him what had happened. When he became rich, he broke with his former friends. As you grow wiser, you should break with your old ideas. Syn: see wave II noun небольшой бочонок. The firm was about to fail when a new director was appointed; he breathed new life into the company and soon it was successful. The workers are still spending too much time brewing up, this practice will have to stop! Brewster Sessions noun название инстанции в Англии, выдающей патенты на право торговли спиртными напитками. We must find a way to bridge over the difficulties. This money should bridge you over till next month. Mary brightened up when she was told that Jim was coming after all. Mary was brimming over with joy. Major changes will have to be brought about in British industry. Few people these days are in favour of bringing back the old punishment by death. And the earth brought forth grass. I thought we had agreed to bring the new contract forward today? You must bring the difficulty home to John. You must bring home to John what the difficulty is. The courts are making efforts to lying their crimes home to the young people. The boys are bringing in good wages every week. The influence of the Far East has brought in many new fashions. Are you going to bring any of the other board members in on your plan for the election? Jim was pleased when he brought off a seemingly hopeless attempt. Bring on the dancing girls! The next player was brought on just before play ended for the day. More study should bring on your English. More study should bring you on in your English. The warm sun brought the flowers out. The makers are bringing out a new kind of soap. Father always brings the conversation round to his favourite subject. Their courage brought the people through the war. Can the doctor bring Mother through? A strong influence must be brought to bear on the government to reduce taxes. We can bring your suggestions under several headings. Mother says would you please bring up the tea things. The road will bring you up to the top of the cliff. Your children have been well brought up. I was brought up to respect the law. Your suggestion will be brought up at the next meeting. The child has brought up her dinner again. The boy was praised for bringing up the runaway horse. Your prison record may be brought up against you. Britannia noun poet. Великобритания тж. British 1. British Asian noun человек, родившийся в Индии, Пакистане или Бангладеш, но выросший в Великобритании. Syn: see declare. Sandra has been brooding over that boy for too long. Why brood on how it happened? The thing to do is put it right. Syn: see intimidate. All this endless bad news browns me off. Brummagem 1. Бирмингема, где в XVII в. Brushing the enemy aside, we swept into the next town. Please brush this insect off. Buck up, your troubles will soon be over. The university had to budget for an increase in the number of students. I left them all tidy, and now here they are all over the floor. The difficulties seem to be built in. The difficulties are built into the work. The rate of pay was built into her contract. The insurance business is built on trust. Enemy forces have now built up to a dangerous strength. Our hopes for peace are building up. Syn: see swell. III noun мясные консервы тж. The boys bullied the small girl into giving them all her money. Oh, just bumming along, thanks. The singers bunched up to make room for one more. The women bundled away when their husbands returned. The guest got very drunk so they bundled him into a taxi and sent him home. I bundled him off я спрова- дил его, отделался от него б спровадить кого-л. The taxi door burst open and all the children bundled out. Gbung in а швырять Just bung in some old bricks to fill up the hole. Two of the boys bunked down together. More than half the class bunked off last week when there was a test. The reason he lived with his grandparents was that his father had bunked off and left his mother when he was a baby, and shortly afterwards his mother had got ill and died. Burmese 1. The old house was burnt down and only ashes were left. The young singer has been burning for a chance to hear the cheers of the crowd. Now that they have gathered in the crops, the farmers are burning off the stubble in the fields. The plane was completely burnt out after the crash. The director burned Jim up for being late again. I get all burned up when I hear how animals are badly treated. This fast car really burns up the road. The firemen could enter the burning house only by bursting the door in. We were having a nice quiet meal outdoors when the boys burst upon the scene, shouting and fooling about. In the middle of his tests the scientist burst on the truth. The enemy are already bursting through our weakened defences. The castle was buried deep in the forest. I shall have to bury myself in my studies if I am to pass the exam. Bushman noun 1 бушмен народность в Африке 2 austral. The whole crowd bust out laughing. Their marriage bust up. It was money troubles that bust up their marriage. II noun турнюр. I cannot but agree with you - не могу не согласиться с вами what could he do but confess? He was just buttering up to the director to try to get a favour from him. Mr Sharp has enough money to buy out the town. Карта словарей. Читайте также: Юмор навсегда:. Скажи спасибо! Поделись ссылкой в социальных сетях:. Оставьте свой комментарий об этой страничке:. Список словарей: Англо - русский словарь Античный военный словарь Архитектурно-строительный словарь Афганский лексикон Библейский словарь Геллея Библейский словарь Нюстрема Большая энциклопедия массажа Большой астрономический словарь Большой бухгалтерский словарь Большой компьютерный словарь Большой кулинарный словарь Большой толковый словарь Географический словарь Компьютерный словарь Краткие исторические термины Краткий словарь по НЛП Краткий словарь политолога Краткий словарь символов Критический словарь психоанализа Латинский словарь Латинско-Русский мед.

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