Купить ганджубас закладкой Северный Мале Атолл

Купить ганджубас закладкой Северный Мале Атолл

Купить ганджубас закладкой Северный Мале Атолл

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Купить ганджубас закладкой Северный Мале Атолл

Цена за: 2 взросл ых и , не включая топливный сбор. Атолл Северный Мале — это совокупность красочных островов. Туризм здесь начал развиваться во второй половине ХХ века, когда Мальдивы только начали открываться для посетителей. Мальдивские острова — одно из самых лучших мест для отдыха. Каждый год Мальдивы посещают тысячи туристов. Это действительно рай на земле. Некоторые островки находятся в частной собственности, некоторые полностью необитаемые. Часть островов — это курорты с отлично развитой туристической инфраструктурой, условиями для любого вида отдыха. Сюда приезжают романтические пары, молодожены проводят здесь свой медовый месяц, также здесь отдыхают семьи с детьми и веселые компании молодежи. Сегодня на курортах Северного Мале отдыхают приезжие из разных уголков мира. На побережьях расположены комфортабельные отели, шикарные рестораны, посещение которых оставит приятное впечатление. Атолл Северный Мале — одно из лучших мест для занятия дайвингом. Как новички, так и профессионалы смогут осмотреть здешние подводные глубины, которым есть что продемонстрировать. Между островками Северного Мале, как, впрочем, и другими островами на Мальдивах, курсируют лодочки, на которых можно посещать разные места, просто наслаждаться прогулкой по водным окрестностям. Несмотря на то, что Мальдивские острова — это место преимущественно для пляжного отдыха, здесь есть возможность заняться и другими делами, например, отправиться на экскурсию. На некоторых островах есть даже интересные исторические достопримечательности, но больше, конечно, примечательных мест, которые были созданы уже в ХIХ веке. Туристический сезон в Атолле Северный Мале длится на протяжении всего года. Здесь теплый, приятный климат. Северный Мале Атолл — отличное место для тех, кто хочет отдохнуть от зимних холодов и морозов. Жара на курортах не ощущается, ведь здесь повевает легкий бриз, который приносит желанную прохладу. Воды в Северном Мале прогреваются лучше всего в марте-апреле. Осадки на Мальдивах — явление довольно редкое. Чаще всего легкие дожди выпадают в мае и ноябре. Иногда можно попасть под проливной дождь, но они здесь кратковременные, поэтому на качество отдыха не повлияют. Отзывы путешественников сходятся на том, что Северный Мале Атолл — это сказка наяву. Отдых здесь — мечта, воплощенная в реальность. Однако за такое удовольствие надо платить, порой очень недешево. Чтобы комфортно отдохнуть на Мальдивах на протяжении 7 дней, нужно рассчитывать на сумму от евро. Проживание здесь будет стоить от 30 до евро за одну ночь. Бюджетные гостиницы — это место, где можно просто переночевать. Для части туристов этого достаточно, ведь остальное время они смогут комфортно провести вне гостиницы. Комфортабельные отели в Северном Мале стоят гораздо дороже. Но и условия там просто восхитительны. Гости могут воспользоваться самыми разнообразными услугами, сервис в таких заведениях на высшем уровне. Выгодно также приобрести горящую путевку, что часто предлагают туристические фирмы. На островах Северного Мале можно заняться дайвингом, посетить ближайшие островки в том числе и необитаемые на лодках. Также можно поехать на экскурсию, провести время среди пальм, в укромных местах на побережьях, наслаждаясь привлекательными экзотическими пейзажами и кристально чистым воздухом. Занятие подводным плаваньем в мальдивских водах — одно из самых популярных развлечений туристов, которые приезжают на отдых в Северный Мале. У новичков есть возможность научиться азам этого вида спорта в местных центрах дайвинга, а профессионалы будут в восторге от подводных пейзажей, а также от исследования затонувших кораблей, которых в местных окрестностях очень много. Кто-кто, а рыбаки в Северном Мале смогут насладиться любимым занятием. Здесь туристам предлагают взять в аренду рыбацкое снаряжение и отправиться в океан. Любители охотятся на обычные виды, а вот профессионалы не упускают возможности похвастаться таким ценным уловом, как марлин или парусник, если, конечно, удастся их найти. Путешествовать с одного острова на другой можно и на лодке, но если представится возможность полетать на гидроплане, ни за что нельзя ее упустить. Это занятие доставит туристам истинное удовольствие, ведь перед глазами открывается целая панорама, где в мальдивских водах раскиданы многочисленные островки, некоторые оживленные, а некоторые — еще пока не тронутые рукой человека. Пляжный отдых — это то, за чем сюда приезжают тысячи туристов каждый год. Отдыхающих ждут девственно чистые, нетронутые песчаные пляжи с экзотическими, привлекательными пейзажами. Зоны отдыха обустроены так, что здесь безопасно могут купаться и взрослые, и дети. На побережьях располагаются бары, рестораны, можно арендовать пляжные приспособления. Атолл Северный Мале — это уже достопримечательность, ведь состоит он из островков, площадь которых настолько мала, что здесь может разместиться всего несколько или даже один объект: птицеферма, аэропорт. Именно здесь находится и столица республики Мальдивы, в которой также достаточно исторических и современных достопримечательностей. Так что можно отправляться на экскурсию, где будет возможность сделать много уникальных фотографий. Старая мусульманская мечеть, которая была построена еще в 17 веке. Это самое старое и самое красивое здание на территории Северного Мале, построенное из коралловых блоков и украшенное традиционной арабской вязью. Оно вмещает до 5 тыс. Это роскошный Президентский дворец, построенный в ХХ столетии. В этом здании, выполненном в бело-голубых тонах, находилась резиденция последнего мальдивского султана. Сегодня на территории дворца располагается Национальный Музей. Посещение музея будет интересным для ценителей исторических и археологических памяток. Среди экспонатов можно увидеть уникальную в своем роде коллекцию тронов и древние буддистские статуи. Виза не понадобится, если находиться на территории Мальдивской республики не более 30 суток. Лететь из Москвы до аэропорта Мале — чуть больше 8 часов. Международный аэропорт находится в Северном Мале. До места назначения можно добраться по воде катером, лодкой. Мальдивская руфия — это местная валюта. Также к оплате принимаются доллары США. Защита от солнца — главное, что должно быть в чемодане. Также не забудьте взять закрытую одежду, если планируете посещать исламские памятки культуры. Аренда пляжных приспособлений предоставляется бесплатно или за стоимость от 1 до 5 долларов. Аренда ласт и маски для дайвинга стоит 5 долларов на 1 день. Расчет подразумевает 1 персону. Туры Отели Отзывы. Страна, курорт или отель. Дата вылета. Выберите, когда Вам удобно вылететь? Кол-во ночей. Выбраны туры c на. Искать туры. Правила визирования по странам Страна Тип визы Срок изготовления. Ищем лучшие цены Н айти отель н а карте. Закрыть карту. Сортировать: по популярности. Линия пляжа. Поиск по названию отеля. Знаете название отеля? Введите его, чтобы узнать стоимость тура! Скрыть Смотреть остальные курорты. Бюджет - руб. Класс отеля. Тип пляжа. Оценка по отзывам. Услуги для детей. Гарантия лучшей цены на любой тур Удобные способы оплаты Поиск туров от всех туроператоров Горящие туры. Нажимая на кнопку, вы принимаете наше Соглашение о конфиденциальности. Путёвки в Северный Мале Атолл из Москвы Так же мы нашли предложения с вылетом , которые вы можете посмотреть ниже. Если вам не удалось найти тур самостоятельно, свяжитесь с нами, мы с радостью поможем вам! Посмотрите похожие туры. Посмотрите похожие туры на ваши даты. Мальдивы, Северный Мале Атолл. Цена за тур на двоих включая перелет? Воспользуйтесь фильтрами. Оставьте заказ на сайте и укажите данные вашего путешествия. Менеджер ближайшего офиса подберёт вам тур, который можно будет оплатить на месте. Season Paradise - Thulusdhoo. Обновляем результаты поиска…. О курорте Атолл Северный Мале — это совокупность красочных островов. Отдых на Северном Мале Атолле Когда лучше ехать отдыхать? Цены на туры Виды отдыха. Чем заняться? Достопримечательности Полезная информация. Отдых на Северном Мале Атолле. Когда лучше ехать отдыхать на Северном Мале Атолле. Цены на туры в Северном Мале Атолле. Виды отдыха. Чем заняться в Северном Мале Атолле? Полет на гидроплане. Достопримечательности в Северном Мале Атолле. Hukuru Miskiity. Полезная информация для отдыхающтх в Северном Мале Атолле. Часовой пояс. Что взять с собой. Что сколько стоит.

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Choose your preferred language. We speak English and 42 other languages. Lock in a great price for Malahini Kuda Bandos Resort - rated 8. Enter dates to get started. One of our bestsellers in North Male Atoll! The resort has a hot tub and water sports facilities , and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant. Certain units feature a seating area for your convenience. Enjoy a cup of tea while looking out at the sea or garden. The rooms come with a private bathroom. For your comfort, you will find bath robes and free toiletries. A flat-screen TV is provided. You can play table tennis at the resort. National Museum and Republic Square are 6. The nearest airport is Male International Airport, 5. Couples particularly like the location — they rated it 8. Malahini Kuda Bandos Resort has been welcoming Booking. Please try again. Good for couples - they rate the facilities 8. Currency exchange: Need local currency? This property offers currency exchange on site. Good coffee! Fitness centre. Spa and wellness centre. Get instant confirmation with FREE cancellation at most properties on our site! Open for: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. WiFi is available in the hotel rooms and is free of charge. Sorry, but it seems like something went wrong in submitting this. Would you mind trying again? From hours. Until hours. Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to accommodation type. Please enter the dates of your stay and check the conditions of your required room. Children and beds. To see correct prices and occupancy information, please add the number of children in your group and their ages to your search. Supplements are not calculated automatically in the total costs and will have to be paid for separately during your stay. The maximum number of extra beds and cots allowed is dependent on the room you choose. Please check your selected room for the maximum capacity. Cards accepted at this property. Malahini Kuda Bandos Resort accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival. Real stays. Real opinions. Read more. Check your booking confirmation email to find your booking number and PIN. Booking not found. Please check your booking number and PIN and try again. Only a customer who has booked through Booking. This lets us know that our reviews come from real guests, like you. If you stayed at this property through Booking. There was a problem loading the reviews. Try again. Open your list. Find quick answers or ask a question to the property. You will receive an email as soon as the property has answered your question. The island is beautiful, small and cozy and full of trees, you feel like in a small jungle. The beach being cleaned every single morning, you absolutely do not need to wear shoes on the whole island. We spent 12 nights on this beautiful island and we experienced variety of food offer in main restaurant, the food and restaurant service was excellent. Stuff was very kind, helpful and had no problem with special requests. The room cleaning service was also excellent, prepared special bed decoration during our birthdays. The special thanks needs to be addressed to guys from Blue bar beach bar who made our stay unforgettable: Supun, Kishor, Thiru, Prasunna! The dinner on the beach was very well prepared and the food was very tasty. There is several options for water sports and as a part of all inclusive package the snorkeling equipment is available for free. We had a very comfortable stay. We had an amazing time during our holiday and we are extremely grateful to the staff. Janani, Kishor, Ziyadh and Parasanna thank you so much for everything and hope to see you again next time! We wish the whole team all the best! We enjoyed a lot our stay The beach villa is the option you should select. Simply perfect. Amazing staff. Good food! Beautiful beach. Really nice holidays. First of all, our room was very comfortable and good equipped, the view was fantastic. Secondly, we were with all inclusive package there, I recommend it for everyone because it is a bit too expensive, like the Maldives in general. However, if you choose the all inclusive package, it is excellent. Finally, we tried the spa and also we had trips organised by the Marine Hub. Everyone did an amazing job and we appreciate it. If you are looking for great adventures and some relaxing beach days, this place is the perfect combo of these two. Food was great. Location is good. Close to Male 15 minutes by boat. Big beach, enough beds, beach towels are provided every day. Clean sea. Delicious various food thanks to the head of food department. Food is amazing, a lot of options at every meal. The island is very small, beautiful and clean. We enjoyed our stay very much :. Everything about this resort was good. Dear Malahini Kuda Bandos, We would like to say thank you for your hospitality and helpfulness. Last time I visited, the kitchen was much better. Great beach, beautiful fauna and very friendly personal Janina. The place is wonderful. It is NOT all inclusive, as we have booked via Booking. The resort has tried numerous times to charge for a simple drinking water. We demand appropriate compensation for this misrepresentation. We are deeply disappointed. We had at the beginning a Deluxe room. It is not worthy. Thanks to the staff we had an upgrade. The staff is really excellent and understanding. Excellent service and position. The mindset of hospitality of the reception-staff. Service could have been much better. We had 5 incidents over our 2 day stay. First upon arrival our villa was not ready until 2 pm, which was fine with us we asked if we could get beach towels and while waiting and it was said that it would be taken care off. Normally this would be an easy fix but it took us 3 additional calls to the reception and a 1h30 min wait before finally getting the towels. Another incident there was a missing chocolate bar from the minibar when we checked out, they asked if we taken it from the minibar which is totally understandable. We had already stated that we had not taken anything from the minibar. We said 'no' since be had not even opened the minibar, they looked further in to this and it showed that the guests before us had paid for that particular item and now it was missing. So obviously some mistake had been made but they kept on pushing this issue in an unproffessional way that made us feel really uncomfortable. Based on our experience this resort did not live up to its dollars, not priceworthy! Compared to other resorts that we have visited in the same price range. The beach villa with ocean view was really nice, high ceiling and open air shower and bathroom. Good aircon and clean. The location of the beach villa, very close to the water. The main beach was very beautiful, however the reef was very torn and just a few meters out in the water many sharp stones! We waited too much for our transfer but otherwise everything was amazing. We spent our honeymoon here, we got what we expected. Could have been more sporting options and can consider including a swimming pool close to the ocean Staff made sure that we were comfortable all along our stay. There seems to be a real two tier level of service when it comes to drinks at the bars. Their drinks were served in better glasses, they had table service, they had beach service. As an all inclusive guest the Bars treated you as if you were getting something for nothing even though you have opted to pay up front for your drinks. Most of the time in the Blue bar there were around 6 bar staff all trying to look busy but not really serving people. During our three day stay there was a wedding being held, we were told to move off of the beach out of view, and not go into the sea directly outside our beach bungalow to avoid being in the video at the wedding venue about mts away. In addition to this we visited the small beach Bar 75 for an early evening all inclusive drink only to be told that the bar which should shut at Complaining at reception we were told to get our drinks at the Bluu bar. The drinks available at the Bar 75 are also geared towards Paying customers with Premium Branded cocktails only available. All inclusive could have only beer OR soft drinks. Sunbed hogging with towels then not using them for most of the day needs to be addressed at check This is a nice small paradise island with lovely beaches and gardens. It is a short speedboat transfer from the male Airpot terminal. The transfer staff at the airport, reception staff, gardeners and room boys were very friendly, helpful and polite. The gardens were kept imaculate during our 3 night stay. There were peacocks and wild birds walking around , fox bats in the trees, black tip sharks around the jetty, and the reef was ok. Having come from a live aboard snorkelling dhoni we had been a little spoilt. We stayed in Beach Villa which had an amazing view of the beach through shaded mangroves. The room was stunning and the external bathroom added a real quality touch. The air-con was good in the room. The bedroom could have benefitted from some drawers or shelves to place our non hanging clothes, but with such a short stay we loved out of our cases, no problem really. We only had three nights on this island so any issues were of much more importance with little time to rectify. Very nice place. The expense of the motorised water activities was a little extreme, maybe they could be made cheaper so that more people are inclined to pay and do them. The buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner had such a wide variety and never disappointed. There is no swimming pool at this resort. Also the water near the beach is really rocky. This means that snorkeling is not that easy for beginners. I recommend that you bring water shoes as snorkeling is impossible without them. That said there is a small beech next to Bar75 that is much less rocky. This is a good place for snorkeling. That day the sea was really choppy. This island is only 12 mins by speed boat from the airport. This is quite convenient. But it also means that you see quite a lot of marine and air traffic from the island. Sea planes kept flying over the island all day long. That can be a bit annoying. This is a great place for a honeymoon. Its quiet and romantic. The sea is really blue! The food at the resort is great. There are so many options and live dishes. The menu changes every day. We got the all inclusive package. I fully recommend the all inclusive package as the food is very expensive when bought a la carte. The staff are really friendly and helpful. Also, the weather is really amazing. Because of the low humidity, you can stay outside all day long without feeling tired despite the high temperatures 30 degrees Celsius in January. The beach villa was really spacious and clean. The resort is only 3 years old, so everything is in really good shape and very modern unlike some other resorts near this one. The wifi internet was fast. We were able to stream Netflix. Error: Please enter a valid email address. Error: Sorry. An error has occurred. Refer a property List your property. Cookies that enable website functionality, so you can browse and book easily. This includes essential security and accessibility features. Cookies that measure how our site is used. We use this information to improve our website and services. Cookies used by Booking. They also enable you to like or share something directly on social media. Functional cookies enable our website to work properly, so you can create your account, sign in, and manage your bookings. They also remember your selected currency, language, past searches and other preferences. These technical cookies must be enabled in order to use our site and services. You can find more detailed information on cookie use and descriptions in our privacy and cookie policy. Analytical cookies help us understand how customers like you use Booking. This means we can improve our website, apps, and communications, and ensure we continue to be interesting and relevant. These cookies are used to display personalised advertisements both on Booking. These adverts are based on your browsing such as accommodations you have viewed, and prices you have seen. These cookies are also used to integrate social media on our site, allowing you to like or share pages or products on social media. The only way to leave a review is to first make a booking. When guests stay at the property they check out how quiet the room is, how friendly the staff are and more. After their trip, guests tell us about their stay. We check for naughty words and verify the authenticity of all guest reviews before adding them to our site. Functional cookies Cookies that enable website functionality, so you can browse and book easily. All resorts Resorts Apartments. Maldives Resorts Hotels. Kaafu Atoll Resorts Hotels. North Male Atoll Resorts Hotels. We Price Match. Property is on or next to a beach and has a free private beach. Airport shuttle available for an additional charge. You can request this in the next step. Airport shuttle. Malahini Kuda Bandos Resort Reserve now. Oprea Romania. Alexandra Slovakia. Pouru India. Ярослав Ukraine. Sini India. Dario Germany. Vivien Hungary. Shiva India. Pavel Russia. Staff 8. Highly rated for: Nearby beaches. Highly rated for: Very comfy beds. Highly rated for: Very clean bathrooms. Highly rated for: Great neighbourhood. Previous image of the property Next image of the property. 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Malahini Kuda Bandos Resort 4 stars 8. What would you like to know? Enter your feedback I already have a booking with this property Submit. Thank you for your time Your feedback will help us improve this feature for all of our customers Close. Missing some information? Private beach area. Lock in a great price for your upcoming stay Get instant confirmation with FREE cancellation at most properties on our site! Availability We Price Match. When would you like to stay at Malahini Kuda Bandos Resort? Sorry, reservations for more than 30 nights are not possible. Please enter your dates to check availability. Your departure date is invalid. Check-in date. Check-out date. Beach Villa with Sea View 1 extra-large double bed and 1 sofa bed. Something went wrong. Please try again later. Deluxe Room with Sea View 1 extra-large double bed and 1 sofa bed. Garden View Room 1 extra-large double bed and 1 sofa bed. Classic Double Room 1 extra-large double bed. See availability. Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital. Are you missing any information about this area? Why book with us. Most popular facilities. Pets Pets are not allowed. Internet Free! Parking No parking available. Transport Airport drop off Additional charge Airport pick up Additional charge. Reception services Lockers Luggage storage Tour desk Currency exchange hour front desk. Languages spoken English Hindi Russian Filipino. What topic s would you like to know more about? Hair dryer Bathroom features shower, tub, etc. Lunch and dinner details Meal prices. Policies Pet policies Cancellation policies Couples policies are non-married individuals allowed? Other Enter your feedback. Thanks for your help! Your thoughts help us figure out what kind of information we should be asking properties for. Back to property. See availability House rules Malahini Kuda Bandos Resort takes special requests - add in the next step! Check-in From hours. Check-out Until hours. Children and beds Children of any age are welcome. Can use a cot upon request. Can use an extra bed upon request. All cots and extra beds are subject to availability. Cards accepted at this property Malahini Kuda Bandos Resort accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival. Maximum 2 free kids per unit paid. Mandatory green tax of USD 6 per child per night will be charged. Please note that property may contact the cardholder for verification purposes. Due to safety and privacy concerns the operation of unmanned aerial systems or drones by any of guests including model aircraft by recreational users and hobbyists is prohibited. Smoking policy: Please note that smoking is not permitted indoors in any of the accommodations. Smoking is permitted on the outdoor terraces or balconies of the villas. Smoking is also permitted in designated public areas within the resort. Guests should not arrange or take outside boats for excursions and boat hires and should only utilize the facilities of the Property whilst they stay at Malahini Kuda Bandos. No Private boat will be allowed to dock near the hotel premises. Billing procedure: The resort accepts cash payments in U. Due to rules established by Maldivian banks, the resort is not able to accept USD notes from the s or any note that is damaged e. For proper accounting purpose we request all bills to be signed by the guest with the name. Write a review. Enter your booking details Check your booking confirmation email to find your booking number and PIN. Review invitation not found. You can only leave a review within 28 days after check out. Sorry, something went wrong. Please enter your PIN. Please enter your booking number. Booking number. Rate your stay. Want to write a review? Log in OR. Facilities 8. Cleanliness 8. Comfort 8. Value for money 8. Location 8. Low score for North Male Atoll. Show reviews from: All reviewers Families Couples Groups of friends 64 Solo travellers Business travellers Sort reviews by: Recommended Date newer to older Date older to newer Score higher to lower Score lower to higher. Open your list Keep your lists forever. If you sign in or create an account , you unlock unlimited access to your lists from any computer, tablet or smartphone. Error: Please enter a destination to start searching. No children 1 child 2 children 3 children 4 children 5 children 6 children 7 children 8 children 9 children 10 children. Private shuttle. Like this one, but not quite sure yet? Show similar properties. Questions you may have Find quick answers or ask a question to the property. Ask a question Thanks! Your question will be published on Booking. View all reviews. Continue search. Stayed in December We enjoyed our stay very much : Stayed in January Stayed in January Very good. Maldives is quite expensive in general. Marinas Hulhumale Ferry Terminal. Museums National Museum. Stadiums and arenas National Football Stadium. Save time, save money! Car hire Flight finder Restaurant reservations Booking. About Booking. Analytical cookies Cookies that measure how our site is used. Marketing cookies Cookies used by Booking. What are functional cookies? Cookies we use. What are analytical cookies? What are marketing cookies? Close without saving. Save settings. Extranet login. All rights reserved. Verified reviews from real guests. How does it work? Sign in and leave a review. Check-in date Check-out date. Hide details. For a limited time only. Shortly, you will receive news about top-rated hotels, irresistible deals and exciting destinations. Please sign in to continue. Create your account. Max adults: 4. Show prices. Max adults: 2. Max adults: 3.

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